Woman Strikes Flight Attendant When Asked To Wear a Mask – IOTW Report

Woman Strikes Flight Attendant When Asked To Wear a Mask


A Delta Airlines passenger was removed from a plane in Miami after she refused to abide by the airline’s mask mandate on October 19. Video taken on board shows the passenger striking a flight attendant in the face. Passenger Antwanette Dixon captured video of the confrontation, which occurred as the plane waited for takeoff to Atlanta. Dixon told Storyful the crew member approached two passengers on the flight who refused to wear their face coverings before departure from Miami International Airport. The female passenger, who can be seen in the video without a face covering, then struck the flight attendant and the pair were informed that they were being removed from the flight. The man accompanying the female passenger, who can be seen with his face covering pulled down below his nose, was also allegedly trying to fight other passengers, according to Dixon.

The pair can be seen in the video being escorted off the plane as the other passengers cheered. “I’ve never experienced anything like this on a flight!” said Dixon. “Our flight was delayed by four hours, the ticket agent was rude, and to top it off there were these two.” In a statement to FOX 35, a representative for Delta Airlines said: “There is nothing more important than the safety of our people and customers. We do not tolerate violence of any kind and this situation is currently under investigation. That’s why two customers who did not comply with crew safety instructions were asked to deplane flight 1997 this evening. We apologize to customers for the flight delay this caused.”


Kind of the same attitude that leads to being shot by cops.

31 Comments on Woman Strikes Flight Attendant When Asked To Wear a Mask

  1. You see them in their natural habitat – there – a passive female in the foreground calmly eating seeds and nuts while the aggressive ones towards the rear engage in a meaningless show of strength, swatting and pushing, shrieking imprecations …

  2. I don’t like wearing a mask. I mostly don’t wear one or go places where they are required. However, if I do need to or choose to go somewhere where they are required, I will use it and not be a jerk about it. There’s really no excuse for that.

  3. Seed eater trying not to look so she won’t be perceived as raaasciss.
    How many times do you think those two classy people have flown? Not often I’m guessing.
    That woman must have thought she was on a school bus in the hood and could beat up the crackah if she wanted.

  4. I will say it again: When you’re sitting at the gate waiting to board, don’t scan for muslims on your plane. Scan for black women. They are most likely to consider themselves above the rules, loudly and violently.

  5. The issue is racial animosity not masks, , at this point in time Blacks are hypersensitive about any directions coming from a non-black.

    The Magic half Negro reignited this race war and now its the early 70’s all over again only this time its blacks that have the privilege.

    Black Americans are starting to figure out the scam of divide and conquer is just another tool of Demonrat oppression but the true believers are gonna radiate racial hate to any non-black.

    BLM is a Marxist organization that deliberately stokes racial hatred under the guise of “injustice”. Their principal tenet is Blacks are not required to follow any rules of society or decorum because having Blacks following any rules is inherently racist.

    This is simply more Marxist inspired chaos to break society down for a commie takeover. The irony is once the shackles of communism take over Blacks will go straight back to the back of the commie bus.

  6. This will no doubt be shown on The View.
    Joy Behar has been saying for months that President Trump has been encouraging this behavior from the far right. And Whoopidy will lecture us that we can’t expect ‘her people’ to conform to white people’s cullchah.

  7. Good for them. I’m ready to fight over all this tyranny also.
    On a side note. I voted this morning, walked right into a Government building, NO MASK, all the ladies were super nice, they never asked me or my wife to put on a mask. Even though they were all wearing them. If it’s their choice to wear them, I say “God’s blessings.” But no one in this country should be forced to wear anything against their will.

  8. It would be hypocritical of me, as a conservative, to say that any business owner can’t establish rules for their place of business. If people don’t like them, they don’t have to patronize that business. The government, however, is different and should not be able to make those types of demands, of individuals OR businesses. So if you feel you have to fly somewhere, you just have to honor that business’s rules.

  9. Frankly I’m of split mind on this. First, the woman should never have struck the flight attendant however this sort of civil disobedience is likely going to be necessary to tear down this Corona driven attempt to drive down personal freedom and to cow the citizens. There is plenty of evidence coming out that suggest that masks do not halt or appreciably slow down infection rate of the virus (some of it’s been posted here) however there is no attempt to have a reasonable discussion by those who are making these rules (usually unelected medical professionals (some of questionable pedigree) who have never faced this before but having tasted power found they like it and who are advising the politicians.

    I think what the couple should have done (and there ought to have been others on the flight doing the same) would have been to politely refuse to wear the mask and then stayed in there seats until dragged out by law enforcement. That would have gotten airplay and started people asking questions.

  10. If you need to get somewhere on a plane and you know BEFOREHAND a mask is required, than, and I hate this shit as much as anyone, wear the fucking mask.

    The gym I swim and lift at has just been ordered by the town city council to require masks. So I wear a mask from the front desk to the locker room, about 20 feet.

    No masks required in the weight room or locker room. Man that Chinese flu is a very discriminating bug ain’t it?

  11. It’s a private business. If they require masks, where a damn mask. I use to fly a lot. No more. I no longer go any where I can’t carry a gun and I sure as hell couldn’t wear a mask in a cattle car like that.
    A couple weeks ago I rolled out of my gym around 7:30 in the morning and drove across the street to pick up a couple items at the grocery store. The parking lot and the store were empty. I totally spaced and left my mask in my truck. I didn’t even realize it until some jerk passed me and said “nice mask asshole”. I lost it. I would have been fine with, “hey you forgot your mask”. But the asshole comment pushed me right over the edge. So we had a nice calm discussion with me walking towards him at an elevated pace and him back pedaling as fast as he could. We came to an understanding, he apologized, and 5 hours later the veins quit poking out of the side of my neck.
    Wearing a mask, for me, post lift is tuff. I usually pull it down below my nose to keep from passing out. I have not had any complaints wearing it that way.

  12. Last week I went to Home Depot and forgot to wear my mask. I was almost to the self checkout when I realized it., so I just said screw it. Paid and left. Nobody said boo, or even gave me the stink-eye. Nice to live is a conservative pocket in a blue state.

  13. Understand you Brad. But you have to choose your battles, be good to yourself, keep your powder dry, etc. Only say that because you said your veins were bulging hours later. Not worth it, imo. Our side needs you.

    Assholes like him are proof God has a sense of humor.

  14. Charlie

    With out the cuss words, I suggested he start wearing two masks. That way he wouldn’t need to worry about my welfare and he wouldn’t feel the need to call people names thereby saving himself a good ass beating.
    I rarely get that mad anymore. I blaming it on pre coffee.

  15. @Brad (at 11:53 am): Next time some young punk makes a comment to you like that, don’t get mad – just say, “Oh, did I forget my mask? I must’ve left it on your mother’s dresser.”



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