They are not even hiding it anymore – Biden is a placeholder for the Harris Presidency – IOTW Report

They are not even hiding it anymore – Biden is a placeholder for the Harris Presidency

This is Kamala Harris’s husband.

Watch what he says—

27 Comments on They are not even hiding it anymore – Biden is a placeholder for the Harris Presidency

  1. Imagine, the number one guy on the ticket is insane in the membrane and crooked as all hell, the number two on the ticket, CAME IN LAST PLACE IN HER PARTIES PRIMARIES!!!!!
    This is how they will govern. The will of the voter means nothing to them because you and I are to stupid to know what good for us. And more importantly, whats good for them.

  2. Joe Biden, the great nemesis of Corn Pop!
    Joe Biden, the master of… you know… the thing!
    Joe Biden, the man who would put Cunt-mala Harris one heartbeat away from the presidency! Let’s hear it!




  3. LC Dan, I suspect you are correct that this is from the primaries for two reasons: 1) No one is wearing a mask, and 2) If Biden and Harris can’t draw a crowd of more than 12 people, there’s no way this schmuck is going to be speaking to a packed room of 50 or so.

  4. This video probably dates from when Kamala was trying to win a primary. The people in the room are not masked or distanced, so it has to be early 2020 at the latest.

    Trump should ask Joe about such statements, and others, which imply that he is just a cut-out substitute for the “real” candidate, Kamala.

  5. “Report: Kamala Harris Implicated In Hunter Biden China Deal:”

    Yes, read my link above. She was the damn book keeper basically for all these rat bastards. There’s some big shit coming out right now.
    Gonna be a bitchen debate.

  6. I wonder if he can still taste Willy’s willie when he (gag) kisses her?
    Dose that make him a c–ksucker by proxy?

    It was a Diversity Training (brain-washing) class Anonymous.

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