The media and the laptop – IOTW Report

The media and the laptop

18 Comments on The media and the laptop

  1. That music is creepy.

    The media I get my news from is all over the laptop. The drive bys are either totally ignoring it or pretending it is misinformation.

    What should scare the crap out of us sane people is the willingness of millions of people to believe that this evidence of the Biden’s corruption is a scam.

    What else is new?

  2. These are the same blind eyed democrat Worshipers who where selling Hillary’s great and global warming needs tax dollars. Same smelly BS different lies.

  3. Hunter Biden is what all too many Seattle/Portland voters aspire to. Some people reading this are going to scoff at that remark, but long, long before a critical mass in Seattle and Portland started acting out en mass I was posting:
    Yes what you are seeing is what all of western civilization recognizes as truly subhuman, but you just don’t get it. You have to trust me on this, you haven’t seen anything yet.

    Folks, what you have seen all summer in Seattle and Portland really is not yet even scratching the surface regarding their thirst for absolute depravity and just how fucked up in the head that element is. The life that Hunter Biden has lead is their version of Nirvana. I know, it is incomprehensible that they have as a goal living in filth, drugged out, with money enough to indulge in as much of that as possible is their goal in life, but it is.

    You simply cannot comprehend just how such a life would be alluring to anyone, but trust me on this, this is their goal in life. To live EXACTLY that life.

  4. According to msnbcnn, Trump hired the Russians to plant a hidden camera in Hunters Chinese hotel room in 2013 in order to black male Joe Biden in HIS election bid 7 years later. Veeeeeeeeery crafty……!


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