Murder Hornets Vacuumed Out Of Nest In Washington State – IOTW Report

Murder Hornets Vacuumed Out Of Nest In Washington State


Heavily protected crews in Washington state worked Saturday to destroy the first nest of so-called murder hornets discovered in the United States.

The state Agriculture Department had spent weeks searching, trapping and using dental floss to tie tracking devices to Asian giant hornets, which can deliver painful stings to people and spit venom but are the biggest threat to honeybees that farmers depend on to pollinate crops.

The nest found in the city of Blaine near the Canadian border is about the size of a basketball and contained an estimated 100 to 200 hornets, according to scientists who announced the find Friday. More

I’d be interested in knowing if they got to them before the next generation of queens spread out to start new colonies. – Dr. Tar

31 Comments on Murder Hornets Vacuumed Out Of Nest In Washington State

  1. Temps below 60*, after dark and a shop vac. Wasps/hornets don’t have a chance. A quick squirt of bug spray into the running shop vac makes it safe to empty when you’re done.

  2. My dad used to park the lawn mower over the yellow jacket nests in the yard and leave it running at full speed for about 1/2 an hour. You wouldn’t believe the pile of bug guts what would form at the exhaust.

  3. My dad also shot a basket ball sized hornet nest out of the holly tree in the back yard. It took two shots from his 20 gage. Nothing left but a stem it hung from and a buch of paper fragments and hornet guts.
    I loved living in the sticks…

  4. Prior to finding out about trapping and using dental floss to tie tracking devices to Asian giant hornets, I thought the worst job in the world would be a janitor at a porno theater.

  5. wait wait wait

    If Murder hornets were here MONTHS ago, How is this the FIRST nest?

    It ain’t. Not possible if you knew of them already.

    I’m as tired of this BS alarm-ism as I am of leftist media always lying to us.

  6. Just FYI, an ancient weapon of war was a clay pot full of hornets tossed into enemy ranks.

    Watching an Antifa riot news video brought this to mind recently.

    I wonder how difficult it is to capture those nests alive?

  7. These guys are 2 inches long, a yellow jacket is 3/4 of an inch long who wants to be stung first.
    The most stings at one time for me was 11 yellow jackets after I hit there nest with a weed wacker and then 45 minutes later 9 more after I hit another nest.
    They hurt like hell. NO Way do I want to be stung by these bad boys they can kill you, and they swarm when you disturb the nest just like yellow jackets.

  8. And how about these guys! Himalayan Cliff Bees

    World’s Largest Honey Bee Makes Rare Hallucinogenic Honey

    These are the largest honeybees on Earth — called Himalayan giant honeybees — and they make some of the world’s most cherished honey.

    It’s known as mad honey, a reddish sweet goop with psychotropic effects that in small doses are reportedly pleasant.

    The sting of this large bee — which can pierce through most beekeeper suits — doesn’t ward you off, the sheer Himalayan cliffs where the bees plaster their large, crescent-shaped hives probably will.

    Maybe if you wolf down enough of their honey you won’t mind being stung. .

    Massive Bee Colony Buzzing In Sync To Scare Off Predators | BBC Earth .

  9. Look, if you call them murder hornets, kids will be attracted to them. I know I would actively go out and look for them just because: A.) anything named “murder” is cool and B.) it’s a damn bug. It’s insulting to all kick ass humans to be threatened by a mere bug.

    Now, if they called these things dick birds, no one would mess with them. I know I’d stay away from any random dick bird nests. Can’t really imagine anyone except the expendable among us would be intrigued enough to go hunt for them.

    Dick birds. The name that truly inspire fear.

  10. My favorite yellow jacket extermination method is to use aerosol starter fluid (ether) and spray it into the entrance of their nest. A good long shot. Then touch it off with the log lighter. Fun for all ages.

    The highly flammable ether knocks them out before you cook them


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