Hunter Biden Called Bill Clinton An ‘A**hole’… Said He ‘Looks Like Sh*t’ – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Called Bill Clinton An ‘A**hole’… Said He ‘Looks Like Sh*t’

Pot, meet kettle.

National Pulse:
Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop reveal the former veep’s son describing former President Bill Clinton as an “asshole” and remarking he “looks like shit.”

The email thread, entitled “Tweet by Jonathan Martin on Twitter,” includes Hunter Biden, business partner Eric Schwerin, and Deputy Counsel to then-Vice President Joe Biden Alexander Mackler.

Schwerin flags a tweet from New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin where he relays that Bill Clinton blames “the tougher sentencing provisions from ’94 crime bill on… Biden!” more here

32 Comments on Hunter Biden Called Bill Clinton An ‘A**hole’… Said He ‘Looks Like Sh*t’

  1. HA! Charlie WoW and Vietvet, same thought here! I was going to warn Hunter to keep his mouth shut … but too late!

    Killary is already on the phone to her killer-for-hire!

  2. @Uncle Al -that’s from the coke run through Amenia regional airport…and then through his nose…

    Has anyone seen the list that has gone to that island btw?

    It’s a Whose Who of degenerates…

  3. First of all Hunter you’re not looking so good yourself, and wasn’t Billy Boy a coke head, if there’s one thing we all know doing drugs ages you just like drinking does.

  4. Everyone but idiots (and those who use the metric system) knows that time isn’t measured in tens and hundreds. So if there are 3600 seconds in an hour that would mean by metric standards a minute would be 36 seconds. As if 2020 hasn’t been bad enough, I’d hate to measure time by metric standards, nobody would really know what time it is. Always expect idiocy and dumb ideas to come from the left, guaranteed every time.


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