EPA Requests DOJ Investigate Foreign Funding of Environmental Groups – IOTW Report

EPA Requests DOJ Investigate Foreign Funding of Environmental Groups

WFB- The Environmental Protection Agency has asked the Justice Department to investigate allegations that U.S. environmental groups have received covert funding from China and Russia.

EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler made the request after Rep. Lance Gooden (R., Texas) alleged that left-wing environmental groups—including the Sea Change Foundation, Sunrise Movement, and Sierra Club—have functioned as conduits for “foreign influence, financial involvement, and election interference.” Wheeler noted that it is not against the law for a nonprofit to take contributions from foreign entities but nonetheless asked the DOJ to look into whether the groups should register as foreign agents.

“Given heightened concerns that foreign countries, primarily China and Russia, are potentially funding U.S.-based ‘green’ groups to undermine American energy independence and to help maintain the integrity of the EPA’s decision-making, EPA will refer this matter to the DOJ [Foreign Agents Registration Act] Unit,” Wheeler said. “The DOJ can then determine what appropriate steps to take, if any, including whether those entities should be registered as foreign agents.”

Gooden’s allegations follow calls from other Republican lawmakers to investigate the anonymous funding of green groups for potential foreign influence. In September, Rep. Liz Cheney (R., Wyo.) asked the DOJ to investigate whether Russia and China are working to infiltrate environmental groups as a way of influencing U.S. policy. more here

9 Comments on EPA Requests DOJ Investigate Foreign Funding of Environmental Groups

  1. Environmentalism is not about saving the environment, just as the BLM movement is not about the Black oppression. It’s all about a Marxist ideology.
    I worked with a guy out in the woods for some time, knowing that he was a greenie. We found a humongous Douglas Fir tree out in the woods one day. He literally went over and hugged it, and stepped back and gestured that I should do the same. I said, naw, the bar on my chainsaw isn’t long enough. He wasn’t very friendly after that. Liberals have no sense of humor. That’s a mental disorder.
    BTW, grew up on a timber economy.

  2. Glad to see this article. Have been telling non-believers for 30 years the Environmental movement had nothing to do with clean air and water. The environmental movement was started to damage our economy. Going to forward article to those who doubted me. Have to admit: Grateful for clean air, water.

  3. Marxist is the ticket.
    1 of the 45 goals of communism in 1963.
    Been going on for years.The arabs sent
    millions to enviro groups to stop USA
    oil production…


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