Tucker Carlson: Bobulinski Documents Intercepted and Removed From Overnight Package – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson: Bobulinski Documents Intercepted and Removed From Overnight Package

CTH: Tucker Carlson revealed this evening that someone intercepted an envelope containing documents of evidence supporting the claims by Tony Bobulinski.  The documents were mailed by a “well known overnight transport” company and mysteriously were removed in transit from New York to LA.  I have a hunch what happened…. but first, WATCH.

I review this story from a position that I cannot fully explain. However, I have personal experience -recent experience- with a similar and rather unusual situation that cannot be explained by any method other than DHS surveillance. So here’s what I think took place.

41 Comments on Tucker Carlson: Bobulinski Documents Intercepted and Removed From Overnight Package

  1. Reminds me of this:

    “On the night before the Senate impeachment trial began, someone broke into veteran Washington investigative journalist John Solomon’s car, which was parked near the White House, and stole his laptop, according to a D.C. Metropolitan Police Department report obtained by RealClearInvestigations.”


    Biden may be a doddering, demented crook, but he’s got a helluva crew behind him.

  2. Remember this when you are ordering shit from where ever.
    You can thank GW Bush for this. Trump and Congress need to repeal the Patriot Act.
    During 0bama’s reign, they were stopping FedEx trucks with newly purchased laptops in them out for delivery.

  3. Well, at least our beloved government officials will not be implicated in any treasonous acts against the American people. Now that the CIA and the FBI have made sure that they will not face justice for their crimes, we can go back to business as usual. I feel so safe with these bastions of conscience watching over our justice system.

    Soap box, ballot box, ammo box.

  4. They’re just trying to find out exactly what hand Bobulinski is holding. Just like with Solomon’s laptop:

    “The computer contained notes on Ukraine and former Vice President Joe Biden and other sensitive information, Solomon said in an interview. He said he was preparing to launch a new podcast and news site at the time.”

    De ja vu all over again.

  5. this is exactly why We, The People do not trust any of this bullshit.

    who, in this day & age, would transfer ‘documents of evidence’ through a “well known overnight transport” w/out first making copies & sending those? …. & what? electronic copy transfer is unknown to these people?

    & if they did do so, why would they dump this story? … kabuki theater for the masses? or, like previously mentioned, an entrapment operation?

    & who the hell leaves their laptop in a vehicle (or any other evidence)? …. it screams ‘setup’

    as Queen Vickie said, “we are not amused”

  6. … & I wouldn’t trust FexEx to deliver a package to my next door neighbor

    their no-driving Somalians (foisted on FedEx by the Obiden regime) would drive off my driveway, get their truck stuck in a drainage ditch & completely damage the package
    (yeah, been there; done that)

  7. There is another possibility. Remember when Sean Hannity was talking about the Clintons and Seth Rich? Then all the sudden he dropped it like it was a used condom? The explanation that Hannity used was that the leftists were going after his sponsors. I don’t buy that garbage for a second. There is the very real possibility that Carlson was threatened, or pictures of child porn showed up on his computer, or pictures of people watching his family. If they’re willing to commit treason, you have to believe that they are willing to do anything to cover it up.
    A cornered animal is the most dangerous creature.

  8. How does the President sleep at night knowing that his FBI is full of back stabbers?

    We’re all in Purgatory or something. Standby to have all your cameras set to a high frame rate. Between Nov. 3 and Jan. 20, things are going to move fast.

  9. They’re going to find out what they need to know so they can cover their assets. You can’t fight them. Sometimes, it’s best to leave it out in the open, like a saucer of milk for a barn cat. Maybe this is the best and quickest way to tell them they need to cut Joe loose and move to Plan B.

    Nobody gets killed, but the dirty war against Trump continues in the second term. These people have no emotional investment in Biden, only a professional investment in the war on Trump. Forewarned is forearmed. For both sides.. Go to your corners until the bell rings on November 3rd, but I’m pretty sure Joe won’t be in the fight when it rings. It’s always been the deep state.

  10. Am I the only one that thinks Bobulinski looks like a sleeze bag? What if Tucker Carlson was set up to promote this “documented” activity of the Biden Crime Family. Now, what does he have to support this? If the originals are still out there, good. But, I am concerned they were never out there. I have no doubt that the Quid Pro Joe family is as evil as the Clintons, and every negative thing that has been said about them is true. However, if the documents can’t be produced before the election, what supporter of Gropey Joe or whore from the media will think this is anything but a “conspiracy theory”? And we all know the only “conspiracy theories” that are true concern Trump, Russian collusion, and climate change. Pedophilia? Just a wet dream by desperate Trump supporters.

    FedEx is the worst. We’ve had so many different drivers over the years and have yet to have one worth a crap. Our drive is way off the road, we can’t see the road from our house and our house can’t be seen from the road. Assholes would leave packages under our mailbox, once they even left it in the road.
    We filed numerous complaints, what finally stopped it was when they hung a package from the mailbox and we contacted USPS and filed a complaint with them over FedEx.
    We had a stupid woman for awhile that would come up but she’d throw our packages out in the drive, over the fence, in our vehicles. We have a big box by the gate with big letters saying FedEx and UPS. It was always like a treasure hunt trying to find our package and hoping the dogs didn’t chew it up. That finally got stopped when I told them if they opened one of my vehicles’ doors again I was going to sue them.
    Now our latest is some turban wearing black guy that can’t or won’t speak English. He hit a tree the last time he was up here.

    UPS was good for years, we had the same driver that did his job and did it right, he quit to take care of his ill son. Now we have a different one all the time and they also can’t follow directions and are playing the treasure hunt game with packages.

  12. It may sound like a human screw-up, but it smells like some down and dirty threat has been directed to Carlson and Bobulinski.

    Surely they would not have Fed-Exed originals.

  13. Anonymous White Male, be careful. I was pretty sure the laptop was a setup to take out Giuliani. Not likely now, is it? And I get that Bobulinski even being associated with the Chicoms and Biden is a screaming siren. I still wonder why he hasn’t been Pre-Dawned by the Deepers just to shut him up. It seems like they could Manafort him so easily if they wanted to. But sometimes the spotlight is too bright, the time is too tight and the mark is actually too clean to touch. This looks like one of those occasions.

  14. I always knew there were some bad people in the government. I always believed in the black helicopters and black cars showing up if you said too much.

    Honestly though even my so called tin foil hat could have never dreamed up just how corrupt all of them are. Electing Trump sure has shown that every department needs to be either eliminated or a total house cleaning, even at the upper levels of the military.

  15. Man if the media were still legitimate and reporting this stuff honestly they’d have the highest ratings they’ve ever seen.
    If the Bidens go down a lot of people in the swamp go down. They certainly aren’t the only ones involved in sell out corruption and treason.


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