Wayne Grudem Responds To John Piper About Voting for Trump – IOTW Report

Wayne Grudem Responds To John Piper About Voting for Trump

Below are snippets of the article with just the first point from John Piper and Wayne Grudem’s response. Read the whole article for all the details.

Christian Post – I have reached different conclusions about this year’s presidential election. His October 22 article, “Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin,” explained why he thought it would be wrong for him to support either candidate in this election. (He does not mention either candidate by name, but the article is about this election and he compares one candidate who supports policies that endorse “baby-killing,” “sex-switching,” and “socialistic overreach” (evidently Joe Biden) to the other candidate who is guilty of sins of “unrepentant sexual immorality” and “unrepentant boastfulness” (evidently Donald Trump).

I am writing to explain why I have reached a different decision, and why I voted a few days ago for Donald Trump.

I would summarize Dr. Piper’s argument as follows:

  1. The personal sins of a leader can be as harmful to persons and to nations as morally evil laws.

My reply:

a. There is a difference between the personal influence of a leader’s example, which may be rejected, and laws that compel obedience.
b. Political policies are not, in general, more important than personal character, but they are the primary factor to consider in a political election.
c. Christians who support Trump do not encourage imitation of his flaws but openly criticize them.
d. I have a more positive evaluation of Trump’s character than John Piper does.
e. With Trump, we will get good policies and character flaws, but with Biden we will get bad policies and character flaws.
f. The Trump administration has brought to prominence many leaders with exemplary lives.

Read the article here.

13 Comments on Wayne Grudem Responds To John Piper About Voting for Trump

  1. “unrepentant sexual immorality”

    I’d like to know how Citizen Piper knows that DJT is “unrepentant.” Does he know the president’s heart?

    I’m more of a John MacArthur guy; to me, John Piper is too bolshi, a budding SJW.

  2. Oh here’s a good reason not to vote for Biden, if we want to play the white glove morals game:
    Look at the children Biden raised and what he has been forcing them to do. cutting self-enriching deals with Chinese, hurting our nation by espionage and turning a profitable blind eye to the people they have in concentration camps.
    Also, whore Biden was having sex in a car with his then- whore Jill while they were both married to other people. In public. And then, Biden blamed and slandered for years, an innocent man for his wife’s driving error which killed her and her daughter and injured their son.

    Fuck off, Piper. Trump has done none of those.
    People who think they are too good for others usually have the biggest, stankiest skeletons in their closets.
    And I bet Piper’s is wearing a thong and is about 6 years old. Lol

  3. Marxism at its core rejects the existence of God. So which political environment does he think that the Church will thrive under better? Persecuted churches still preach the gospel and God obviously intervenes for them and can cause them to flourish but why freely choose socialism and the harsh whip of persecution?

  4. I voted today. Unfortunately, Jesus Christ was not on the ballet.
    From Piper’s words it appears he has never voted in an election in the United States (I doubt that is true).

    I voted for President Trump because he has governed as close to the principles laid out in the Constitution as any President in my lifetime.
    He is not perfect, no one is.
    President Trump is far far better than the alternatives (plus, I like WINNING!)

  5. Perhaps Piper has heard the phrase, “God draws straight lines with crooked sticks?”

    The Pharisees and Sadducees were the most holy and devout men of God in their time…and they crucified Jesus Christ!!!

    Paul (Saul) was considered the most pious of the Pharisees, and he tortured and murdered Christians before Almighty God opened his eyes and his heart.

    I doubt anyone here thinks Trump can win without the Divine hand of providence, but he most certainly can win without the endorsement of hypocrites!

  6. I’m happy to report I know Grudem personally. He’s a straight shooter. In a Sunday school class he used to teach he said something along the lines of we need to vote for whomever will best uphold what the Bible teaches. There is no perfect candidate and there never will be. Pick the person who will most closely uphold Godly principles.


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