Have you heard of “Hammer” and “Scorecard? You should, it’s how the dems hope to steal the election – IOTW Report

Have you heard of “Hammer” and “Scorecard? You should, it’s how the dems hope to steal the election


ht/ hot salsa

18 Comments on Have you heard of “Hammer” and “Scorecard? You should, it’s how the dems hope to steal the election

  1. Didn’t General McInerney say that Malaysian flight 370 landed in Pakistan?

    Not saying he’s wrong about Hammer here. Hell, I’m not saying he’s wrong about the airplane, either. It was during the SCOAMF era, after all.

    I like generals who think outside the box. Especially when everything is on the line.

  2. Sounds like the Scorecard software got stymied in 2016. I have to wonder if the Obama/Clinton DNC ever figured out why. I hope not.

    I imagine there are several hundred people (if not thousands) who will work – and not sleep – for the next 48-72 hours.

  3. Yes. The democrats have engineered cheating into the process. No question.

    But they play on the margins.

    Trump’s win will be so massive as to make these shitpickles’ efforts irrelevant.

    Nobody wants a socialist democrat America. Once again the left has overreached.
    Non traditional Republican voters, blacks and Hispanics are lurching to Trump.

    If I’m wrong I’m wrong. But this will be a TrumpSlide.

  4. The only true thing Obama said was that American Presidential elections are almost impossible to rig, because they ate so decentralized. He said it about the Russians, and because he wanted to legitimize the expected victory by Hillary, but it’s still true. This so-called “Hammer“ cannot possibly hit all the precincts in the country, not even all the precincts considered crucial, because those precincts are constantly changing in the runup to election day, and they change more all during election day..

    “Hammer“ is not omniscient and infallible. It has to predict and pick targets based on models, and everybody knows a plan is the first casualty when the shooting starts. The Dems may be asking too much of their software, and that’s probably what happened in 2016. Maybe they had better results in limited usage during their primaries this time, but that doesn’t mean Hammer is scalable. I’m not saying Hammer is no threat, but it may end up being a paper threat, like Army Detachment Steiner.

    It sounds like it won’t be hard to thwart, and that Trump’s team is prepared and capable. Godspeed.

  5. Biden told us about his voter fraud organization and Pelosi told us that whatever the end count is, Biden will be inaugurated.

    Remember, the left always tells us what they are going to do.

    I love that so many of you have so much confidence, I wish I had it too.

  6. Hammer and scorecard sounds an awful lot like IIA – Interactive Internet Activities – psyop, taken from the military by private NGO’s owned/run by retired military generals and other scum like Brennan.

    That said, I must have missed something, because I did not catch HOW Hammer and Scorecard intends to flip a cast ballot from Trump to Biden.

  7. “I did not catch HOW Hammer and Scorecard intends to flip a cast ballot from Trump to Biden.”

    Exactly. And where, and when. The targets will be moving and changing throughout the process. They may have a Hammer, but which million moles get whacked where? And yes…HOW?

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