Jill startles Joe on stage and he snarls at her angrily – IOTW Report

Jill startles Joe on stage and he snarls at her angrily

I think he says, “you almost pushed me off, for chrissakes.”

26 Comments on Jill startles Joe on stage and he snarls at her angrily

  1. My precious dog Scully Magoo Bug is 13 and has dementia. He startles very easily and snaps out with his tiny teeth. This video of pedo-Joe instantly reminded me of my dog. Pathetic that grown people are voting for this corrupt assclown. We are not a serious country.

  2. Wonder if she went to keep him from falling off in the first place. lol.
    Still, when you’re on camera you smile no matter what. No Matter What.

    Carmenzoid- The teens are rough age. 🙂


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