Rantz: Sue Bird implies you’re a bigot for not watching women’s basketball – IOTW Report

Rantz: Sue Bird implies you’re a bigot for not watching women’s basketball

MyNorthWest: WNBA star Sue Bird implies you’re a bigot if you don’t watch women’s basketball. It’s not just a lazy argument, it’s a quick way to push people away from your league. What’s worse, Bird suggests a whopper of a factually inaccurate point that undermines the very argument she makes.

Every year, we have the same conversation around the popularity (or lack thereof) of women’s basketball. This time there’s the questionable decision to compare it to women’s soccer.

There’s a harsh reality that too many refuse to acknowledge: The marketplace isn’t as interested as WNBA stars and fans would like it to be. There’s ways to address this and grow the league, to a point, but insulting the vast majority of the population is probably a bad strategy. read more here

38 Comments on Rantz: Sue Bird implies you’re a bigot for not watching women’s basketball

  1. I don’t watch ANY of you whiney crybabies in to Pro- or wannabe Pro sports.
    Why don’t you do like Robinson and all too few others and put some effort into helping those less fortunate, ya fucking ingrate?

  2. I don’t know if it was Jim Rome or somebody else, but that person came up with the term HORSEKETBALL and I fell out of the chair laughing.
    It was part of commentary on how they were saying the same exact thing 10, 15 years ago that they were saying now and he was sick of it so he trashed their looks.

  3. I’m entitled to a large fan base! I put my 6.9 ft frame through hell out on that court for your enjoyment so enjoy me!
    By the way, you men up in the stands that keep laughing and throwing objects at me while I’m playing YOU ARE NOT FUNNY!

  4. Wait…….what?! There’s a Women’s National Basketball League!? Who knew?! Color me surprised!
    I’m not interested in the Big Boys’ politicized on-court antics, so I’m thinking I’d be even less interested in the women’s hardwood harpings.
    “Change My Mind”

  5. Actually, it’s because it’s unwatchable. The NBA has become that way, too. Endless pick and roll, pick and pop and launches from beyond the three point line. Both leagues have cemented themselves in growing obscurity by insulting half of their potential audience. I fear the college game is next.

  6. “Bigot?”

    late 16th century (denoting a superstitious religious hypocrite): from French, of unknown origin.”

    “A superstitious religious hypocrite?” for not watching WNBA?
    Can’t see the connection.

    But … OK … I’ll play … Who gives a fuck what you think, you fuckin moron?
    You dribble a ball for a living and you want more money for doing (virtually) nothing. Why not just say so and quit being a superstitious religious hypocrite about it?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I admit I am a BB junkie and was a fairly good player in my day. When I watch BB I want to see players that are BETTER than me. The WNBA does not fulfill that requirement. I’ve played against some top women college players including an all-Pac 10 women’s center and also a member of the Canadian national women’t team. I was surprised at how easily I dominated them (while in my late 30s). If I had a sex change operation I could still play in the WNBA and probably be a star. Come to think of it – – I’m going to arrange for that very operation today.

  8. Kind of like all these annoying feminist leading roles destroying great movie franchises and causing movie-goers to avoid them: woman’s basketball just ain’t sexy in any way for men. Now, if they were wearing lingerie…

  9. Billy Fuster – and you’ll probably have better luck growing boobs than the WNBA women. Women’s estrogen dries up when they become super athletes.

    Wait. I’m not sure that’s a compliment.

  10. A very liberal executive at work took his adopted half black daughters to their first WNBA game. They left in first quarter because of rude, repulsive, obnoxious fans. After he quit whining I told him I’m willing to bet the dikes on the floor and lesbians in the stands all came from liberal households. Within a few months his bumper stickers disappeared. He got down to one ring and no more bracelets, ear rings, or Birkenstocks.

  11. Women’s sports never had me watching them. I sometimes watched women’s softball, but that’s the extent of it. So I guess I’m considered a bigot. May as well add the name to the list of deplorables, irredeemable, and nasty. That’s quite a combination going on there, but I wear each name proudly.

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