“Election Day Is Going To Look Like A Trump Rally” – IOTW Report

“Election Day Is Going To Look Like A Trump Rally”

PJ Media

In a blockbuster press call on Monday, the campaign to reelect President Donald Trump went through its internal numbers explaining why Democrats are panicking in the lead-up to Election Day. If the campaign’s numbers are accurate, President Trump will win in most of the swing states.

“Election day is going to look like a Trump rally,” Nick Trainer, the campaign’s director of battleground strategy said on the press call. More

20 Comments on “Election Day Is Going To Look Like A Trump Rally”

  1. For starters, I’m incredibly relieved that our Republic made it this far – though barely. And now the outcome… one State at a time.

    And then the aftermath, probably one city at a time.

    And hopefully, then the SWAMP – one criminal at a time.

    The war against the Soros Clinton Obama Biden Pelosi Chinese Communist Party Democrat Deep State many federal crime families has just started.

  2. To all Patriots everywhere, standing in line to vote for Trump/Pence, and to those who already have, an emotionally charged thank you for your steadfast belief, diligence and perseverance for saving our country. You are heros all!!! MAGA KAG!!!
    Now and forever!

  3. I just dropped my ballot off at the local elections office. Thank God it’s almost over. My radio and TV are both staying off today despite what I believe will a massive Trump landslide. I’m listening to Pandora today just so I can stay sane. Wake me up when it’s over, I’m sick of the silly season this year.

  4. Benito IKR?!?!?

    Something similar happened to me just before Trump won the primary.
    I’m getting my haircut and the lady says, “OK how short do you like your bangs?” I said, “Cut them to my nose, I think”
    She said, “Oh like Michelle 0bama. She just got her bangs cut.”
    Me: *Smiles* ” mm.. hm…”
    OK she was nice and all, but I couldn’t take the chance she was nuts and would cut me like Emo [comedian] . lol

  5. Listening to Dan Bongino- he says do NOT get out of the line waiting to vote unless you’re in a medical emergency!!! lolol

    Once you’re in line they must let you vote even if time’s up. Even if you know your county is going or is already red. Hang in there, please!

    Especially if your county is in two different time zones. lol

  6. Did not like my in-person voting experience in GA-6 today. No lines, but no privacy at the booth, either. The screen was vertical like a billboard, no curtain, and it was facing the poll workers’ tables, close enough that they could see who I voted for if they were looking. Then I printed out my ballot and had to run it through a scanner, with a poll worker hovering over the machine able to read my printout easily.

    Never in forty years of voting have poll workers been so close and the process been less private. All the old folks who used to run the show were gone, too. Not encouraging.

  7. Thirdtwin, we had some younger woman handing out stickers by the ballot scanner. She was looking at my ballot and I told her that I could care less if she knows who I voted for and that I voted Trump and all Republicans and no on both state questions, but that some were not going to appreciate her nosiness.
    She said she was sorry, she wasn’t really looking.

    Well if she wasn’t looking then why was she sorry? One of our regular old ladies was there, but we had two new ones, this one and the hag that is now gone after trying to make my daughter leave.

    Crazy amount of people voting though.

    Our state is getting redder though. In 2016 we had 832,059 registered demoncrats and 880,130 registered Republicans to now 738,256 demoncrats and 1,008,569 registered Republicans.

  8. Here in El Paso, the two that took my ID and checked me in didn’t speak a word in English, just messkin’, unless they were addressing me personally. I think they knew better.

    I gave them my Texas issued Concealed Carry Permit for ID. The man told me this isn’t a TX driver’s license. I told him he was correct but it was a state issued Photo ID. He didn’t say any more.

    The form I had to sign to get my ‘card’ (actually, a piece of paper about a foot and a half long) was completely different that every other time I’ve voted. I used to sign something that resembled a log book with your name printed over the line you signed. This year I signed on a computer screen using my index finger. What came out was something that didn’t even slightly resemble my actual signature.

    Then where you voted at the machine, the poll workers were sitting directly behind me as opposed to beside me in years past. I felt like they were watching my every move. Never felt that way in the past. When I got my ‘card’ back to check if everything was correct, the text was so tiny I could barely read it. It didn’t take up but a little bitty corner on that long card.

    Glad I voted (didn’t vote for a single ‘d’ BTW) but didn’t care for the experience that much this time around. I’m getting old and paranoid too. The paranoid part is because everyone’s plotting against me ‘ya know. Peace out…

  9. ‘How much more do we have to gain?’

    https://gop.com/president-trump-my-message-to-black-america .

    “”In 2016, I had a straightforward question for Black Americans: ‘What do you have to lose?’

    “Black Americans don’t have to ask what they have to lose in 2020. Instead, the question should now be, ‘how much more do we have to gain?’…”

    That’s the right question for all races.

    Haven’t been to vote yet. Voting for Trump of course.

    But who to vote for, for one office the governor, has me in turmoil. We have an R governor, but I am sick and tired of his daily “covid-19 updates”, which are more accurately categorized as ” daily virus fear mongering”. However, it isn’t as over the top, out of bounds as is being done by several democrat governors. Just close enough.

    It’s either not vote for anyone for governor or spray my face mask with something to cover the smell of the stench, and vote for the lesser of two evils. Well, I guess one advantage of clicking a single option for straight ticket vote would get me out of there much faster. And just view it as one battle lost that will aid in winning the larger war.


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