It’s Time For the Power of Prayer – IOTW Report

It’s Time For the Power of Prayer

From Michelle’s Big Beaver-

Fur,   I think it’s time to mobilize our soldiers, and the power of prayer.

MBB has noticed that many people are quoting scripture and praying in the comments, so it’s time to have a separate prayer post.

35 Comments on It’s Time For the Power of Prayer

  1. Amen!
    Praying for fairness and for people to have strength to fight for fairness and doing the correct thing. And praying for someone to come forward out of the fraud to admit it, so it can be exposed to all.
    We just want to know who truly won and we want proof of it, no matter who wins.

  2. Father, protect our President and his family. Give him strength and wisdom to fight the evildoers so that your justice can be done. Please save our nation. In Jesus name, Amen.

  3. From Psalms 43 in The Message Bible (one of my favorite translations). Clear my name, God, stick up for me against these loveless, immoral people. Get me out of here, away from these lying degenerates. I counted on you, God. Why did you walk out on me? Why am I wringing my hands over these outrageous people? Give me your lantern and your compass, give me a map. So I can find my way to the sacred mountain, to the place of your presence, to enter the place of worship, meet my exuberant God, sing my thanks with a harp, magnificent God, my God. Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul? Why are you crying the blues? Fix my eyes on God-soon I’ praising again. He puts a smile on my face. He’s my God.

  4. God, Father, please hear the desperation and fear in our hearts, console us and restore us, in Jesus name.

    Remove doubt, clear the eyes and minds of even the unbelievers to see the fraud and obvious lies that are trying to cut through and destroy our nation and its laws.

    Vindicate President Trump, bless his efforts and those of his supporters and law team. Reveal the truth, resoundingly to all, including those unwilling to hear it or see it.

    I bind, rebuke, and utterly smote the devil and all spirits of the flesh from this election in the name of Jesus.

    God, I thank you for your hands over all of our lives and our nation, I thank you God for your angels which you have sent to comfort, protect, and guide us.

    I invite the holy spirit to permeate and overwhelmingly be absorbed into the spiritual and physical pores of your children, believing and unbelieving, who are standing up for the truth in our nation, who are standing up for honesty and who are, with your help, stopping the corruption and cheating during this election.

    Your name be praised, elevated above all else, Father, in the name of your son Jesus I beseech you, amen.

  5. …it is fitting we pray to the Lord as the Lord is our hope, or strength, and our salvation, and in a war against an evil greater than Man, we need an ally greater than Man to have ANY hope of prevailing.

    “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
    Ephesians 6:12

    …looking around, I have firearms, but they are insufficient. I am no match for the legions of Satan, my hand is too small, my reach is too short, and my flesh is too vulnerable. I can only fight if I take on the full armor of the Lord.
    “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
    Ephesians 6:11-24
    King James Version

    I have a medical bag, but there is nothing in it to bind the terrible wounds abortion put on this nation, or heal the sin-sickness that’s brought so many in this Nation to the point they will vote for a pedophile because their hatred of one man is greater. Even on my best day, all I can do is staunch a bleed. Only the Lord can actually heal the body and the spirit…and the land.
    “He sent His word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.”
    Psalm 107:20

    I have a car, but where could I flee to that evil could not find me? I can drive only in the circles of the world, and the devil’s minions can surely find me there. The only safe haven I can flee to is the Lord.

    “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.”
    Psalm 18:2

    The time may be fast approaching when the Lord will see fit to send us to eradicate this evil, but that time is not yet arrived, and we will not succeed in that, or any, enterprise without Him. If we raise our hands to Him in supplication now, we will have His blessing when the legions of darkness raise their fists to us in hatred in its time.

    “There shall no man be able to stand before you: for the LORD your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath said unto you.”
    Deuteronomy 11:25

    Let us pray therefore for His mercy and His power, and in Thanksgiving that He will prevail in the end.

    Dear Lord, Your people are in fear and confusion and anger as the targets of the cunning devices the Enemy is forecasting at them. We entreat you, O lord, to lay bare their treacheries expose their follies, have the works of their master overturned by Your hand, and show that which seems dark and menacing to us as the insubstantial illusions of the delusional enemy that they truly are. As we bind our faith to you grant us the serenety of mind to not be swayed by the chaotic, the firmness of purpose to not be moved no matter what winds may come against us, the strength of hand to repel they physical attacks of the enemy, and your healing touch to revive this land to Your glory when all is finally over.

    The task is large, Lord, too large for us, but there is nothing too large for You, Lord. We stand upon Your word and unshaven in faith in you, that you will get you glory by crushing the enemy beneath Your heel once again.

    We pray to you asking, hoping, and expecting Your deliverance in the name on the only One whose Blood is the only thing that makes us worthy, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

    God Bless,

  6. an encouragement. I’ve had this posted by my computer since 2008. He has promised “if my people wh are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will i hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 chron 7-14

    Christ if faithfu. He promised “whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, i will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock, and the rain descended, the floods came and the winds blew and beat on the house and it did not fall for it was founded on the Rock. Matthew 7-24

    The rain is descending, the floods have come, and the winds beat down on our great nation. I am thankful that our forefathers, wise men indeed, built Americas house upon Christ the Rock.

    In corporate prayer, one can chase a thousand (demons) 2 can chase 10,000. God created synergistic prayer thousands of years before we named it. Trump will win. We also need to pray for patience and not worry. Gods got this.

    (geez, glad SNS isnt a preacher, he’d be long winded, give a long sermon, then, looking at his watch he’d say “Ill close with this” 20 minutes later. Dismissed.)

  7. after boosh and obamba we got to see and experience a refreshing wind of change. 4 wonderful years where the enemy was exposed and beaten back. Now it would appear that we lose all we gained and then some. But, Nay, it shall not happen. God did not put Trump in office to lose.

    (That edit button seems to close out a lot faster now)

  8. Lord,
    Please help us defeat the evil, leftist, globalist cabal peacefully and put our country back on the path to righteous, minimalist government following the model of subsidiarity which you instructed to Moses through my namesake, Jethro (Exodus 18) and encouraged our founding fathers to use as a model for our original republic.
    Please allow this defeat to be made peacefully, and impart due justice to those who have instigated this evil upon the citizens of this great nation, and the world, so that those patriots who are at the ready need not experience bloodshed while purging this great country of these tyrants.

  9. Christian Patriots & Prayer Warriors.

    I mentioned a few of these points in a different posts. And I want to thank Big Fur for graciously allowing the space to be used.

    My home prayer group has been praying about election fraud for over 2 years in anticipation of this very event. And as I said in another post the Dems sure didn’t disappoint. However, God can easily turn this around as an answer to prayer. Once the lawsuit starts it will drag out into the sunlight all the dirty tricks that the left uses to win votes and this will be answer to one of my prayers!

    Consider the following when you pray:

    1. Humble yourselves and come before God through the blood of Christ (‘The Victor of Calvary’) confessing and repenting of your sins. “for without holiness no one will see the Lord.”

    2. Remember that Satan is a PANIC artist. He thrives in worry, fear, anxiety and panic. Do not let your mind be muddled with it. Confess the sin of worry and fear. “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

    3. Pray for God’s mercy!! We as a nation deserve swift and terrible JUSTICE for all the evil that we have allowed to happen. Beg God to be MERCIFUL and spares us direct punishment with a Biden/Harris administration.

    4. As SNS mentions above, Rebuke the ‘ powers, principalities, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places’ that infest our nation’s capital, federal offices, academic institutions and all the rest by the blood of Jesus Christ.

    5. “Satan as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.” “Submit to God resist the devil and he shall flee.” Ask God to shut the mouth of the lion which Satan manifests constantly by the lies of the MSM and the social media platforms.

    6. “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” So fellow prayer warriors rebuke then the literal MOUNTAIN of disinformation, the hidden agendas, the lies and the false narratives of the MSM as well as the mountain sized amount of voter fraud the Dems are committing. Rebuke all of this by the Blood of Christ. HIS blood that was shed by every lash mark he received, by the blood shed from the thrusting of the crown of thorns on his head and the blood that was shed through the piercing of his hands, feet and sides. He shed his blood and died to defeat Satan and all his Satanic forces and to save us. His victory was certified by reresection and he now sits at the right hand side of God! No evil can stand up to the blood of Christ Jesus.

    7. I will add we should pray for the people that are praying for the country. Lift them up to be constantly energized by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to continue this vital ministry of praying for this nation, our leaders and Trump. Be sure to pray for Trump’s legal team, his administration and his cabinet.

    8. Remember, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” (This is how things are accomplished)

    9. And don’t forget to praise God! There is power in praise! Praise Him for this trial, praise Him for the chance to test your faith in Him, praise Him for displaying his awesome power on our behalf and praise Him for the victory!

    10. As reverend Charles Stanley always says: “Fight your battles on your knees and you will win every time.”


    “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.”

  10. Charlie WalksonWater
    NOVEMBER 4, 2020 AT 6:13 PM

    …I think you for your words of encouragement, Charley, and also for your kind words to me, but if there’s anything good I say, it’s from my Father in Heaven and I am just His weak vessel, so to Him be the glory always.

    …but as to this…

    (geez, glad SNS isnt a preacher, he’d be long winded, give a long sermon, then, looking at his watch he’d say “Ill close with this” 20 minutes later. Dismissed.)

    …I was raised Catholic, and one of the best expressions I’ve ever seen about the length of Catholic rites was with regard to a wedding I once attended, and the comment was “I cried at that wedding when I looked at my watch and realized how much time was left”.

    …then I went to Pentecostal services, where they don’t stop as long as the Spirit is moving, and the spirit can move a LONG time indeed. How long? No one knows, because there’s a REASON Petecostal churches don’t have clocks in them…

    …so when I speak to and of the Lord, I have no training to be brief at all. I often say that I don’t fit in 140 characters, so I think it would be presumptuous of me to try to fit an all-powerful Lord into them as well.

    And I too thank Chuffed for her words. She is of a younger generation that isn’t noted for obedience to, or even interest in, the Lord, which is sad because they may have to carry the heaviest load of us all, and for longer too, and I thank God and praise Him that He has touched her and that He has His hand on her generation as well. The only hope for any earthly continuation of praise is that the youth take up the mantle, and she demonstrates the love of the Lord does not die with us, and I thank her and praise Him for that most of all.

    God Bless,

  11. Heavenly Father,
    We pray for President Trump, Mike Pence and their families. Lord they need your strength, guidance and wisdom to pick the best legal mind’s to prevent the stealing of the Election from the evil that is the Democrat Party, and to expose the corruption on the state’s that wrought this on the country.

    President Trump has been so wonderful towards religious freedom, and how precious the life of unborn babies is.

    Lord you are a gracious and just God, they have forgotten your word, taken down the Ten Commandments and shut down houses of worship in this country. Please show mercy and give us peace, we pray amen.

  12. I tried to drown my thoughts in yard work today. It didn’t help much. Until…

    I was reminded of how loved I am, and not by anyone in this world. I was reminded that my daily complaints… really don’t matter so much in the universal scheme of things, but still, I matter, and I am loved.

    The feeling of peace that overtook me was unexpected. I’m pissed at how things are going down, yet I have this reassurance that it’s gonna be OK. I’m too old to fight, yet too young to stop caring. No matter what comes down the pike, today I feel that no one, no human alive, can take my freedom away.

    Tax me, harass me, lead yourselves to a whole new humanistic religion, world, I don’t give a fuck. You’re not getting me, you’re not getting my allegiance, you’re not getting my soul.

    I am free. Change my mind, world, at your own peril. I am at peace, but I’m not beyond retribution.

  13. Ps- that peace came from the spiritual knowledge that God, whatever your understanding of that is, is saying this:

    “Be at peace. This is all under my control. It’s going to work out better than you imagined.”

  14. “Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these violent and unruly people with which we have had to contend. Grant us the strength for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as righteous soldiers who call Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.” ~ As paraphrased from the prayer written by Chaplain Fr. James O’Neill for General Patton during WW II.

  15. I have been praying this type of prayer since the year prior to the 2016 election:

    Thank you, Lord God Most High for your unchanging, constant and faithful promises. You are our trustworthy Lord of creations, who owns it all, rules it all and controls it all. You are everywhere always, all-knowing and all-powerful, sacred, pure and divine.

    Lord, I claim your promise that has been given to all believers as we are “called by your name” in 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

    We fall on our knees to worship who you are and to repent for letting our nation fall to such depths where murder of our innocents, corruption, and the degradation of all that is holy, pure and beautiful are celebrated. We caused our current downfall by allowing you to be removed from our society; government, education, business, media and entertainment. Without your moral standard, mankind will always revert to our fallen nature.

    Lord, hear our plea and heal our land. Shine your light of Truth in the dark places where evil breeds evil and those who worship Satan hatch their evil plans to make slaves of free people.

    Father, we ask for mercy to allow us to first pray and then to do that which we should have been doing to protect our innocent children, seek justice as we support those who will weed out corruption, hate and evil in our nation. Thank you for your promise to heal our land.

    In Jesus name, Amen.

  16. Dearest Abba, Father of the World,

    Hold us, your saints, fast to your breast, oh Mighty God. “Fear not,” you remind us. “For thou art with you,” you remind us. Oh heavenly Father, lift us up and show to your world that your faithful remain faithful unto you. It is the trial that our faith reveals itself, and your steadfast, eternal faithfulness is also revealed. Mighty El Shaddai, Holiest of Holies, thy will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you for your one and only son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we rejoice. Amen

  17. Let me say this. Remember when The Son of Man was on His way to the cross, bloodied, beaten beyond recognition, crucified, and then subsequently died?

    To everyone who believed in Him it looked like a complete loss and hope and despair took root. But amidst that chaos…HE knew EXACTLY what He was doing and was in total control of the situation. Three days later, well, you know the rest of the story.

    Remember that right now. 🙂

  18. Dear God, I hide nothing from you. You know I want you to smite the heathen horde. You know what violence I wish upon the enemies of America. You know how much I want to see the left half of America disappear.

    God, make it so.



  19. Pray that God has a plan that we are unable to see with our human eyes. That this delay is God’s way of giving the time needed for their corruption to be unveiled and revealed. So that ours and God’s appointed president may be put into his rightful position.

    God Bless us all!!

  20. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, be with us on our way, St Christopher protect us.”

    We say that prayer in the car and since we are in a very rocky boat right now, on a journey in life, the road or whatever, it FITS. St Christopher is the patron saint of travelers…

    My parents taught me that and please use it for yourselves HERE at IOTWr.

    Here is another one:

    “Oh my God I offer to thee,
    My heart and soul I know to be,
    And for all I do and I say,
    And all my work and play..
    I offer up myself and my day.”

    Breathe deep.

  21. Most Wonderful Father, please grant us all the peace that comes from knowing you. Guide our thoughts to you and reassure us again and again and again of your sovereignty over all. You are the Alpha and the Omega. You are the Great I Am. We believe, oh God, that it is your will that Love trumps hatred; good trumps evil, and goodness and love will prevail over both. We declare this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  22. Dear heavenly Father we lift up Donald Trump before you. We ask that you anoint him with the blood of Christ Jesus from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet. We know that the blood of Christ is a refiner’s fire a healing balm and a protective shield.
    We ask that you encamp your angels around him. I ask that you be that protective wall of fire around him like you are around Jerusalem (Zech 2;5). And as it says in your scriptures “as the hills surround Jerusalem so you are about the ones you love.” I ask that through the indwelling of God the Holy Spirit in him that you strengthen him body, mind, and spirit. That you give him a Christ like mind spirit and attitude. That you give him the wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and skill to lead this great nation. We also ask that you give him favorability in the people’s eyes. Guide his steps oh Lord as he navigates through the tricks, traps, lies and smears of the Dems and the MSM. Be that “word behind him, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when he turns to the right hand, and when he turns to the left.” In Christ’s name we pray, Amen!

  23. Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    Go to God and give him your troubles, your sin, your life and he will forgive you, accept you and give you all his love and peace.


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