Montana: Republicans Win Every Single Federal and Statewide Office – IOTW Report

Montana: Republicans Win Every Single Federal and Statewide Office

We don’t know what’s wrong with the rest of the country, but Montana Republicans had a picture-perfect night.

Montana Daily Gazette: Whether or not Donald Trump will win re-election in light of COVID-inspired mail-in voting, one thing is for sure. POTUS dragged Montana Republicans across the finish line last night. In a record-breaking solid red wave, every single Republican running for federal or statewide office won their election. No doubt, the president’s overwhelming popularity in the state brought out Trump voters who, while they might otherwise have not voted, stuck with the GOP in their down-ballot.

Although a quarter of precincts haven’t yet reported, there isn’t a race on the federal or statewide ballot that can’t be called. And boy, did Democrats suffer a nightmare of epic proportions.

For the first time in 16 years, Montana will have a Republican Governor, Greg Gianforte. Gianforte, who has had mixed success in political candidacy, defeated Democrat Lt. Governor, Mike Cooney (currenlty 54% – 42%). read more

10 Comments on Montana: Republicans Win Every Single Federal and Statewide Office

  1. Go Montana! We did our part, however small in the overall picture.
    We also legalized recreational cannabis.
    Everyone I know that voted straight republican also voted for that too.
    We live in interesting times…

  2. Also very grateful Daines held on to the Senate seat. That was another race with millions in Hollywood and Tech money behind it. The only reason he wasn’t a horrible Governor was that he always had a republican state house and senate so he couldn’t do much. In Washington he would be a rubber stamp for the progressive agenda. That was the race I was worried about the most.

  3. Talking about Governor Bullock in that last post. Read it back and realized I left out his name and it wasn’t clear who I was talking about but it was too late to edit… (old age and early morning combined)

  4. …and it’s going to be all about Federal supremacy under a Harris administration anyway, just like it was when Barry was the illegal president, so states’ rights are going on another extended holiday real, real soon…

  5. I remember the Tea Party march on Washington in 2009. The Montana group had a large banner that read:
    “This time we came unarmed. Don’t make us come back!”
    I’ll never forget that…

  6. Glad to see the Republican victories here in Montana. I was worried about Steve Daines because the outside money was flooding into the state – the negative ads were everywhere. Bullock is a disgrace! He shut down business in areas of the state that had no COVID cases. We are still dealing with his mask mandate though. I can’t wait for that nonsense to be over. Remember when FemiNazi’s were burning their bras? Maybe we should have some mask burning rallies.

    I was beyond sad to see pot legalized. This isn’t the pot the hippies used in the 60’s. It is much more potent and causes all sorts of mental and physical problems. And those idiots making hash oil turn their homes into bombs. It just adds more work for the EMT’s and firefighters. My daughter is an EMT/dispatcher and she said the firefighters are all getting special training to fight the hash oil production fires. Idiots who probably never passed chemistry are using propane or butane to cook the pot to make the hash oil. One little thing goes wrong and it results in a fire ball! Colorado has had to add more beds in their burn units to deal with this insanity.


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