Nevada: Las Vegas Mailman Agrees To Pass On ‘A Nice Handful’ Of Unclaimed Ballots To Project Veritas Undercover Journalist: ‘If It’s In There—I Didn’t Do It.’ – IOTW Report

Nevada: Las Vegas Mailman Agrees To Pass On ‘A Nice Handful’ Of Unclaimed Ballots To Project Veritas Undercover Journalist: ‘If It’s In There—I Didn’t Do It.’

Project Veritas:
[LAS VEGAS—Nov. 5, 2020] Project Veritas released today a video of a U.S. Postal Service carrier at the Loma Vista Apartments here telling an undercover journalist in May that he would leave unclaimed ballots out for him to take. watch

20 Comments on Nevada: Las Vegas Mailman Agrees To Pass On ‘A Nice Handful’ Of Unclaimed Ballots To Project Veritas Undercover Journalist: ‘If It’s In There—I Didn’t Do It.’

  1. @Jimmy,
    Agreed. I hope that those Republicans who won their seats are willing to go to bat for the Man that helped them win/retain said positions.

  2. And then there’s always the ultimate sacrifice after the Romans had crucified Jesus and thought that they had buried him in a secure tomb he rose from the dead on the 3rd day to save all of mankind. I am still prayerfully hopeful that President Trump and the millions of good people who voted for him on Tuesday Nov. 3 will be vindicated.

  3. It’s crap like this that would make me drop nails under that truck. Then I would offer the “nice” postman a ride to the middle of the desert. He would have to bring those bags along for that nice bonfire he would need to stay warm.

  4. Shadow Banned Face

    Thanks, Buddy. Saw both videos. Looks like it’s starting. I knew it. Just didn’t know which hour or day.

    Keep the faith. No matter what will transpire, I have seen more than enough Rep & Dem Americans from 1945 to present throughout the US to know we are not going down.

    Keep them oiled. Keep your children safe; and, pray to God our Country will prevail.

    Foxhole is ready, anytime.

    God Bless all of You!

  5. An interesting take on Trump vs Biden supporters by Jason Whitlock on Tucker’s show this evening.

    Love for Trump by Trump supporters vs Hate of Trump by Biden supporters.

    “..President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joseph Biden are not the stars or antagonists in this tale. Their supporters are.

    A blind unconditional love of their leader fuels the energy and action of Trump supporters. They risk their health (maskless rallies), reputation (accusations of racism and sexism) and safety (social media and Antifa harassment) to stand with their hero.

    A blind unconditional hatred of President Trump fuels the energy and action of Biden supporters. Their leader’s ideas, policies and resume are irrelevant. Biden is a tool to kill the Trump presidency. Nothing more…”

    “A reliance on hate and an absence of love inevitably spark widespread corruption.” .


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