Joe Hoft- We Call Bull$hit: Joe Biden Couldn’t Get 10 People at a Campaign Rally But He Somehow Breaks the Record for the Most Candidate Votes in US History? – IOTW Report

Joe Hoft- We Call Bull$hit: Joe Biden Couldn’t Get 10 People at a Campaign Rally But He Somehow Breaks the Record for the Most Candidate Votes in US History?


That’s a lot of malarkey.

ht/ woody

25 Comments on Joe Hoft- We Call Bull$hit: Joe Biden Couldn’t Get 10 People at a Campaign Rally But He Somehow Breaks the Record for the Most Candidate Votes in US History?

  1. Hold the front line everyone. Do not falter. Keep praying. Do not get discouraged. Satan loves discouragement, despair and depression. Trump is a fighter! Bush and McCain would have just bent over and took it. Keep praying for Trump. Pray for his legal team. Pray for the people praying for Trump. Consider prayer and fasting! This isn’t over yet.

  2. Anon, it’s done. Covid was a gift to the left. They cheated and won. And we will likely have a tie in the Senate, and Harris will be President by spring.
    They stole the election, and there is not one fucking thing we can do about it.

  3. If Trump had prosecuted Soros in the first days of his presidency we wouldn’t be going through this bullshit now. Additionally he should have fired every appointee from the obama administration.

  4. Rush is talking about how Biden got less votes than Obama and Hillary except in Detroit, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Georgia. Seriously if they get away with this there is never going to be an election the dems don’t win again.

  5. Who you gonna believe, the shamelessly partisan Media or your lyin’ eyes?

    I know I’ve never earned millions of dollars, but then I don’t think I could be a cold-blooded narcissist waiting hours for my makeup to be done so’s I can get in front of a camera and tell blatant lies to gullible sheep.

  6. President Donald J. Trump lost this election in large part because of the ChiComvirus and the fraudulent mail in balloting allowed in Pennsylvania by Chief Justice Roberts, the same dumb bastard who saved Obamacare by siding with Justices who thought that the U. S. Constitution was a piece of parchment.

  7. I have commented multiple times over the last 4 years that the entire federal government was weaponized against Trump even before he took office. He had to fight the gov, many in his own party in the senate and congress, quislings in his administration, the MSM, the social media platforms and Hollywood. He only got as far as he did because of GOD. God can carry him through it. Don’t falter. Don’t lose faith. God will work all things towards to the good of those who love him. Be active in the recount efforts, be active in State Gov so this doesn’t happen again.

  8. If Trump doesn’t VERIFY the vote as Breitbart’s Nolte has laid out, then we were gay op-ed (or gay-opped, whichever you prefer) within an inch of our lives, I’m afraid. And if that’s the case, then all the anomalies of the Trump administration will begin to make sense.

    I really, really hope desperately that I am wrong on this.

  9. The Obama administration was the most openly racist since Wilson, and the most corrupt since Grant. The fact that four years later NOT ONE OF THEM has been tried and sentenced is what doomed the Republic. The criminals are emboldened and have no openly stolen a Presidential election. Welcome to Soviet style elections from now on.


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