Biden Claims “Mandate” But Not “Victory” In National Address – IOTW Report

Biden Claims “Mandate” But Not “Victory” In National Address


Joe Biden appeared late Friday evening and claimed he received a “mandate” from American voters, but he stopped short of declaring victory.

“We don’t have a final declaration of victory yet,” he said, and argued the numbers tell “a clear and convincing story: We’re going to win this race.” More

9 Comments on Biden Claims “Mandate” But Not “Victory” In National Address

  1. …you will never rule me, pedo. I don’t know how long Soros plans to let you live into the Harris Administration, and he probably hasn’t told YOU either, but however long that lasts, that long will you be resisted as an enemy and nothing is off the table when it comes to resisting an illegitimate enemy.

    And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

  2. Democrats lost US House seats.
    Republican US Senators kept all but 1 seat.
    Swing state legislatures saw Republicans win more than Democrats.
    But I’m supposed to believe Biden leads because of a “mandate” from American voters.

  3. The Left always claims to have an overwhelming mandate. They always go way too far.

    Considering he would win the presidency with not only no coattails but to have lost everything down-ticket you would have to believe people cast their ballots for a full republican ticket EXCEPT president Trump.

    [I accidentally up-voted my own post. I wish there were a way to undo it like there is in Discus.]

  4. Trump got the second most votes behind Biden in the history of elections

    Somehow Biden got more than his mentor the “Black Messiah”

    I heard that across the states that are still contested that would put Biden over there would only be 88,000 or so votes. That’s less than Trump beat the old hag by

    So no Joe. You have no mandate. You were the useful idiot they used to get the progressive Camella elected. Your party made a deal with Bernie because they knew he couldn’t win. They tagged you as “good old Joe the moderate from Scranton “ and then hid you because they already had the election rigged

    They are already saying they have to stop using the word “socialism” because they know the people are against it. 70,000,000 told you that

    And don’t get too comfy in the Oval because you won’t be there long. The lefties will be moving you to the capital nursing home very swiftly. Nanny (who should be going with you ) has already set it up with her 25th amendment deal


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