Burning Down the House – IOTW Report

Burning Down the House

Patriot Retort: Yesterday Washington Post Congressional reporter Erica Werner tweeted out a thread of a Democrat caucus conference call that is a barn-burner. As I was reading it, the Talking Heads’ song “Burning Down the House” got stuck in my head.

Despite the mail-in-ballot cheating that is pushing the demented oldster over the top, the Democrat House majority took a shellacking in this election. And the poor Dems just can’t wrap their heads around what went wrong.

What went wrong is Pelosi spent the last two years burning down the House. She tossed aside what few moderate Democrats remained in order to cozy up to the radical socialist “Squad.”

And while burning down the House in favor of the Squad seemed a good idea to Nancy, it turns out voters aren’t too keen on the Lipstick Marxists.

Here’s the transcript from Erica Werner’s thread-
Read more

19 Comments on Burning Down the House

  1. If they’re within a few members of the 218, wouldn’t it be cool if a few less radical members fearing reelection would vote for the Republican nominee for Speaker?
    Speaker doesn’t actually have to be member of majority party. I even heard Speaker doesn’t have to be a current member of the House.

  2. Shamelessly stolen from the internet.

    So, are we Republicans supposed to riot
    tomorrow? I’m new at this.
    Who’s bringing the rocks and bricks?
    Where are we looting? (I like Bed, Bath and
    Beyond, and anyplace that sells wine).
    Are we burning cars or just busting
    I think we need lists. And an organizer. What
    about snacks? I can bring a cheese tray.
    What’s the dress code? Business casual or
    dressy western?
    I have so many questions!!

  3. @Cmn¢¢guy

    I feel confident in saying it’s probably near impossible to assume the mind-state of a liberal, commie, Marxist, hateful, cheating, lying no count low-life piece-of-shit.

    In all likelihood you will have to resort to your own imagination.

    For a conservative to actually replicate a liberal would resemble a male trying to fashion himself as a transgender….and vice-versa.

  4. Cmn¢¢guy November 7, 2020 at 7:14 pm
    BYO Lawn chair. I have one of those portable fire pits and just split a truck load of wood. We could all sing Kumbaya and watch their heads explode.”

    Count me in.

  5. Watch out, you might get caught you grafter
    Droop boobies, give Nadler ‘nother diaper
    I’m ex-tr’or-di-nary Nan
    Burning down the House

    Hold tight. Wait till the voting’s over
    Hold tight. We’re in for Schiffty weather
    We sim-ply have to get away (with)
    Burning down the House

    Here’s your ticket pack your bags
    Time for Trumpin’ overboard
    The transportation is here
    Close enough but not too far,
    Maybe you know where you are
    Fightin’ fire with fire

    All wet, hey, you might need a raincoat
    Shakedown, dreams walking in broad daylight
    Three hundred sixty five degrees
    Burning down the House


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