Let’s Be Clear – Trump is Not Fighting For Trump – He Is Fighting For The Republic – Quitters Can Phuck Off – IOTW Report

Let’s Be Clear – Trump is Not Fighting For Trump – He Is Fighting For The Republic – Quitters Can Phuck Off

This is not done, not by a long shot. And anyone saying that Trump should “do the right thing” and concede is a worthless asshole.

I have no confidence that this was a “fair election.”

And as long as anyone has that belief, they should be fighting. This is not about Trump.

The principled left, if it exists, should step forward.

ht/ tsunami

26 Comments on Let’s Be Clear – Trump is Not Fighting For Trump – He Is Fighting For The Republic – Quitters Can Phuck Off

  1. The only thing that gives me hope in all of this is knowing that Trump is a fighter! Our more traditional repub candidates from the past would have conceded on election night, and if not, most certainly when the media had made their decision! Hang in there Very Stable Genius President Trump!

  2. Saw this clip earlier, she presents Trump’s case better than Rudy or even Sydney Powell do. But I’m sure that they all together will present a very unified and effective multi-front battle. This is a WAR, make no mistake about it. The more I hear from our side the better I feel about it. Not for the faint of heart at all.

    p.s. I just finished watching Maria Bartiromo. Fox let her put on a completely pro-Trump, fight voter fraud show, with Rudy, Lyndsay, Sidney, Kevin McCarthy and one other ALL talking about how the election was stolen.

    Perhaps Fox is feeling a little heat.

  3. She mentions that the article from which she is quoting will be linked in the comments. The comments for the YouTube video are “turned off” for your convenience. I did a Google search for the quote “Analysts have concluded that this five point deviation was not only a statistical improbability” and got “No Results”. Duckduckgo.com, however, points here: https://makethewestgreatagain.wordpress.com/2020/11/06/mathematical-evidence-that-the-election-is-being-stolen/ which, in turn, will lead you here: https://theredelephants.com/there-is-undeniable-mathematical-evidence-the-election-is-being-stolen/
    Just doing some of the leg work so that we can disseminate this WIDELY.

  4. Just an observation to those who don’t think the Republic is worth fighting for or that Trump should just quietly surrender and walk away:


    We are in the fight for our lives and our future and that of our descendants and heirs.

    Let’s bring it on!!

    Just sayin’.

  5. “If ye love wealth better than liberty,
    the tranquility of servitude
    better than the animating contest of freedom,
    go home from us in peace.
    We ask not your counsels or your arms.
    Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
    May your chains set lightly upon you,
    and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

    Sam Adams

  6. I sent a donation this morning to Trump to help fight the crooked dumpocraps.

    We need to retain Trump to continue the fight against antifa, BLM, and China. A weak liberal like Biden hasn’t the balls to fight any of them.

  7. It has been clear to me that PDJT is fighting this first and primarily for the future of the country, and only secondarily to stay in office, only if he was reelected by legal votes. But if Joe really was elected by legal votes, (not likely), he would depart gracefully with class.

    I believe PDJT’s primary goal is MAGA. Followed by other goals in their proper order of priority. Despite the deep states’ constant attempt to portray him otherwise. It’s the left that has inflamed 95% of the division in the country.

  8. COMRADE. bfh
    Are you calling the most liberal President in American history an “Asshole”
    ? #@!$%?&*@#
    Ace “The Last Bush Betrayal” 30 min ago

    Expect to be “disappeared”!

  9. No One was paying attention when the DEMONRATS flipped 8 out of 8 GOP Congressional seat in California in 2018. That was a test run for the vote dumps in the swing states Against PRESIDENT TRUMP to see if anybody noticed We did NOT in 2018 bu we are now. Ballot dumping 138,000 in Michigan and the Software “GLITCH” (MY ass) in 47 Counties there and in the other swing states except for Pennsylvania. ALL these counts need to be put under a Microscope and Hand-counted to verify the results. Pennsylvania needs to have the US Marshall service to CONFISCATE the Philadelphia ballots and destroy them and do not add them to the total as the DEMONRATS broke the law.

  10. Especially Mitt Romney & Detroit!

    And worse still, the God Damned RINO’s everywhere.

    My next Pickup will be a Tundra made in TEXAS!

    Fuck You Detroit, You are the worst traitors. Yesterday GM announced a Re-opening of Oshawa Ontario to make NEW product! Your loss!

  11. The Psy-Ops manufacturing machine is working overtime. The more the terms “President-Elect Biden” and Vice-President-Elect Harris” [at least “vice” is accurate here] are used, the more people will be conditioned to believe them. Fox is using those terms continually, for example. Unsurprisingly.

    And cranking up the emphasis on “the first minority woman to be elected Vice-President” is an extra piece of lagniappe offered to women and POC. Let the buyer beware: it’s the LAST and ONLY gift you’ll receive.

  12. The bizarre thing is that when I click on the “thumbs up” to indicate that I agree, the number can go up by up to six clicks. Is this copying the election fraud? Too funny.

  13. @Kcir

    Ah, the Oshawa GM plant and junior hockey team named the Generals – Bobby Orr’s junior team. I never saw the GM plant there but as a nine year old, I toured the Ford Oakville plant with my boy scout troop. 1957 – a good year, a calm year.

    Orr’s name came up recently as a strong supporter of President Trump. A gifted athlete and a nice man.

  14. Key point: Be vocal in your support & if you see or know about fraud- Speak Up! Our President need us, Our great country needs us. We are the People. We will not go silently into the night. Not now- not ever. Mr.Trump got this train rollin, we cannot allow it to be derailed. Demoncrats are the party of sheep, WE got the Balls to stand up!

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