Another Cliffhanger – IOTW Report

Another Cliffhanger


By Clarice Feldman

A Little Civics Lesson

On Saturday, when rallies were scheduled to take place in key battleground areas to demand only legal votes were counted, the major networks announced Biden-Harris were the winners. Apparently, they are under the impression that they decide election results. They don’t. On December 14, electors chosen by state legislators cast their votes. No one else but the state legislators have that right. (Article II, Sec. 1,§2 of the Constitution). Certainly not the press, nor state boards of elections, secretaries of state, governors, or courts.

If they have reason to believe the elections in their states were unlawfully conducted and the results fraudulent, they can act to override them. (You can see a detailed history of this section of the Constitution in this fine article by Daniel Horowitz.) The Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania  legislatures are majority Republican. At first glance these states — particularly the precincts in Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia — are the most suspect.

Is there ample evidence of fraud sufficient to have altered the will of the legal voters in these states? It sure looks that way.

Specific Evidence of Fraud

Saturday, Rudy Giuliani conducted a press conference in Philadelphia in which he brought forward some of the 50 Republican poll watchers who will testify in a civil rights suit to be filed in federal court tomorrow that despite state law and a court order, they were deprived of a right to observe the counting of the sea of late-coming absentee ballots which turned the tide against the President who had closed Tuesday night by a huge margin. Preliminarily, those were 500,000 mail-in ballots, the most fraud-susceptible kind. He indicated similar affidavits were being collected by Republican poll watchers in Pittsburgh involving an approximate 300,000 absentee ballots. He noted there was evidence of backdating of the ballots to meet a deadline, an utter lack of security for these ballots, and there were other infirmities as well — including votes by dead people (including Joe Frazier, who died five years ago), that the uniform votes in these batches for Biden was statistically impossible.  Pennsylvania was not the only state in which the Trump team was receiving such information — he saw the same thing in Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina and anticipated the challenge might well involve more than Pennsylvania as the evidence is coming in.  Kyle Baker has tweeted a number of such anomalies:

Swing state voting irregularities:

Biden outperforms Senators in swing states, underperforms in VA, NH, RI

Biden underperforms Hillary/Obama in cities, except in MI, PA, GA, WI

Biden mail-in dumps with 100% margins

GOP lose ZERO House races

You can find more of his analysis here:

While we are not privy to what steps the FBI is taking nationwide, there is confirmation that the FBI is investigating backdating of ballots in Detroit, and Attorney General William Barr has authorized deployment of armed agents to observe recounts. (The only time in the process agents can go in is after the voting  when the votes are being canvassed and tabulated.)

The Supreme Court has issued a temporary order to Pennsylvania requiring them to separate all ballots which arrived after Election Day.  MORE HERE

51 Comments on Another Cliffhanger

  1. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 6:55 PM
    “The most boring civil wah in history.

    No idea how I’m gonna’ spice this story up for future grandkids.”

    …the story will pick up quickly if they actually crown the pedophile.

    It’ll get kimchee with ghost pepper topped with Carolina Reaper sauce spicy at that point, and the “reaper” part I say advisely.

    He’s gonna have a lot to do, all at once, and for awhile afterwards…

  2. Been reading and watching a lot of history lately. Most nations have capitol ships exploding and smoke filled horizons at this point.

    We’re never gonna’ make the history channel at this rate.

  3. @Burr – “…Most nations have capitol ships exploding and smoke filled horizons at this point…”

    As much as I hate to admit it, I think you’re right.

    Except, that we’ll make the HC for just the opposite reason. How a once great nation bent over, grabbed its collective ankles and said “Thank you Chairman Xi, please sir may I have another.”

  4. Extirpates, used fully armed US Marshalls with orders to arrest anyone who will not comply with duly constituted warrants and subpoenas issued by Federal Judges and the Supreme Court if necessary. It’s time to play for keeps with no compromise with democrap Governors or Mayors. And if they don’t comply frog march the violators out in chains, bound and gagged and shackled for the whole world to see to the nearest hoosegow. And if all else fails shoot them.

  5. I’m optimistic.

    Besides, I’d have to drive 30 miles to get to Prescott….”that damn cowboy hippy town” as it’s known to Democrats.

    Anyway, to spice up this story to future grandkids I’m gonna’ tell em’ that Biden and Harris grew Hitler mustaches and ate babies in their secret underground lair.

  6. Did some research on The Battle of Athens and The Roots of Voter Fraud in America at HistoryNet. The Democrat’s were ruthless racists, no wonder they don’t want American History taught in school’s.

  7. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 7:05 PM
    “Been reading and watching a lot of history lately. Most nations have capitol ships exploding and smoke filled horizons at this point.”

    …true, but we’re seeing what prayer and our President can do for the moment. We’re civilized people.

    …but it need not be flashy at first even if the pedophile works the steal.

    Old people are frail. You don’t need a big boom or a bunch of easily detected metal vs. thin skin, brittle bones, deteriorated neck musculature, and frangible arteries.

    It can be as simple as a disarming smile and an extended, empty hand.

    Just sayin’…

  8. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 7:05 PM
    “..smoke filled horizons…”

    ….with Portland on one coast and NYC on the other, I think we met that smoke filled horizon thing some time ago…

  9. Greg Kelly on Newsmax said Realclearpolitics has rescinded Pennsylvania call for Biden.
    Oops, media will have to take back their President Elect title for Joe.👍🏻

  10. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 7:21 PM
    “… I’m gonna’ tell em’ that Biden and Harris … ate babies in their secret underground lair.”

    …look up spirit cooking, adrenochrome, how Joe interacts with children, and late-term abortion.’s probably not far from the truth…

  11. Anonymous
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 7:11 PM
    ““FBI taking steps nationwide”…they’re at the titty bars”

    …or looking for nooses and White Supremacists at “Stop The Steal” rallies…

  12. Fine. I get it. “Continue to pour mustard on belly until further notice”

    :walks outside: “We’re shutting down, people. Half tracks, panzers and troop carriers back to the maintenance depot, everyone else set up camp while we all wait for lil’ Johnny America to figure out whether he’s going to poop or get off the pot.”

    :goes back inside, begins to calculate prorated Wehrmacht rental payments.

  13. Aaron Burr
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 8:33 PM

    “:goes back inside, begins to calculate prorated Wehrmacht rental payments.”

    …you’re not far off, seeing as how the roots of the Sturmabteilung (SA) were in private armies, militias if you will, like the Oberland Bund that formed to do the job that the dissolute Weimar government wouldn’t do, that were eventually hijacked by Hitler when he consolidated his power, mostly by murdering the leaders of the private armies.

    …keep that in mind with your rental army going forward when it comes time to lick the mustard off…

  14. Brad
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 9:38 PM
    “I’m thinking Aaron Burr and SNS should get a room.”

    …nah, I like to fart in my sleep and most people find that a turn-off, plus I have to be in the back during sleep spooning and most curmudgeons don’t like that, either, and I suspect Burr is no exception, Spock nazi or no Spock nazi…

  15. Brad
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 9:53 PM

    If you’re sleeping, how the fxck do you know you’re farting? ”

    …I’ve got a wife.

    Believe me, she TELLS me.

    And Aaron’s a coot, so I’m guessing he’s more talk than action because, well, time makes fools of us all…

  16. “…I’ve got a wife.

    Believe me, she TELLS me.”

    OK, that broaches a whole new subject. Do wives lie about that shit to make is feel inferior? I’m reasonably sure that if I farted as hard as my wife claims there would be some structural damage to our house. It’s all bad when you catch them red handed knocking stucco of the bedroom ceiling. What possibly could be their motive

  17. Brad
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:07 PM
    “…I’ve got a wife.

    Believe me, she TELLS me.”

    “OK, that broaches a whole new subject. Do wives lie about that shit to make is feel inferior?”

    …I don’t know if she’s lying or not, I’m asleep and certainly don’t care.

    …but, I figure as long as I’m getting accused of stuff anyway, may as well let a couple rip after getting under the covers just to get things off on the right foot, so no one can call anyone else a liar or anything…

    …and my stucco is OK, but the floor seems to have some issues now that weren’t there before, not sure if that’s related or not…

  18. Outdoorjohn
    NOVEMBER 9, 2020 AT 10:09 PM
    SNS, 9:56…
    “I’m reminded of a punchline, beer farts, devious wife, chicken guts and a little help from our Dear Lord and these two fingers…”

    …feel free to tell the joke, I don’t know that one, but I’m intrigued…

  19. Okay, here goes –
    John, (no relation) had developed a habit of stopping at the pub for two or three on his way home from work, and usually drank five or seven more after dinner. The combination of the barley and the hops and the mashed taters often resulted in the sheets being blown completely off the bed. John’s wife, Mary, would complain the next morning and say “Honey, if you don’t stop your beer habit, you’re gonna fart your guts out!”
    The beer habit continued, Mary’s warnings continued, the sheets bellowed.
    Mary had finally had enough. She prepared the chicken for dinner and kept the innards ‘for later’. John came home, had a wonderful dinner of fried chicken and boiled eggs and seven or nine beers and then off to bed. Mary waited for the first signs of snoring and farting and carefully placed the chicken guts between John’s legs.
    John excitedly woke Mary early the next morning, “Sweetheart, you were right… I shit my guts out, but with a little from the Good Lord and these two fingers, I managed to stuff ’em back where they belong!”

    Is this thread getting a bit wierd?

  20. You must be joking to think this fiasco wont make it on to the History Channel!

    Do you really think there wont be a lot of memorabilia to sell at the pawn shop?

    Such as: Fraudulent ballots. Copies of the software that tipped the vote count to favor Joe, via s randomly timed subroutine named “glitch”.

    Investigation records ruling tens of thousands of ballots ineligible to be counted. Copies of Nielsen TV ratings showing the rapid decline of FNC. A video of Joe blabbering after being told he will not become 46th POTUS (hopefully, anyway).

    Ought to be enough stuff to open a separate section in the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop for 2020 Election Memorabilia & Artifacts.

  21. Believe me, I’m trying very hard to figure out a way to make money off this deal.

    Besides, I’m simply pointing out that places like Liberia and France are much more politically “sensitiiiiive” about election fraud and whatnot. Excitable people. Many of them smash dinner plates whilst watching soccer.

  22. Well, Peru’s congress ousted their president this evening over his corruption and his handling of covid-19.

    It would be a lot better here if we are not faced with a corrupt president elected by a corrupt voting process.

    Neglecting Biden’s misguided positions, and evidence of corruption for financial gain. Even if he was proposing reasonable polices. He plainly lacks the energy, talents and mental capacity to be POTUS. And is not up to the task.

    Trump has loads of energy, mental clarity, great achievements against opposition, and millions of supporters. For Biden to receive more votes than Trump lacks common sense. Unfortunately that doesn’t count as evidence of vote fraud. But it is a big clue something fishy is going on.

    I cannot believe there were enough Biden supporters + votes for Biden by people who didn’t prefer Biden, they simply hate Trump & voted for Biden. That outnumbered the votes for Trump by Trump supporters + votes from people who may not prefer him, but they could see Biden is not up to the task.


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