Real Clear Politics Takes Pennsylvania Out of Biden Win Column – IOTW Report

Real Clear Politics Takes Pennsylvania Out of Biden Win Column

The media doesn’t call the elections, but when they take a state off that they previously gave to Biden, that sorta means something.

ht/ jerry manderin

23 Comments on Real Clear Politics Takes Pennsylvania Out of Biden Win Column

  1. This is going to be the most litigated, disputed, maligned, and historic election in our country’s history. Our Constitutional Republic is at stake, and President Donald J. Trump is up to this task. Attorney General William Barr has unleashed the Department of Justice to investigate the election irregularities before the various states’ votes have been certified. This is being attacked by all the Leftist Liberal Lawyers as unethical and unacceptable, which means they know what the Federals are about to uncover. This is a game changer.

  2. What’s he going to do with that Office of the President Elect backdrop?
    Will be he newspapers and magazine covers with President Elect Biden be like the Dewey Beats Truman headline or the Madame President from four years ago?

  3. How long did it take for Poland to fall? 10 days? Seems like we’re keeping to the timetable.

    We’ll be in Paris by Dec 14.

    :rings up bunker: “Tell the old man we’ve taken Wisconsin.”

  4. As well it should be. Our Secretary of State changed the Rules Governing the election at least 3 times that I’m aware of in the week leading to election. One of those times was November 1 – a Sunday. Even if one would like to argue there is no fraud, there are certainly egregious irregularities to be looked at. I’m so tired of reading that “Trump is asserting false claims” when I, myself, was screwed at the polls, whether intentionally or not, by Kathy Bookvar’s last minute “guidance”. The PA DOS website provided instructions for anyone intending to surrender a mail ballot in Pennsylvania on election day. We were told that you were to take your entire ballot, envelope and all, to your polling place, where it would be spoiled by the elections judge and you would then be allowed to vote in person on the voting machine. I followed those instructions. When presenting, the elections judge did not ask my name, nor did she ask for identification. She instructed me to fill out, sign and date the affidavit on the back of the envelope that I would have used to return my ballot by mail. She then instructed me to put my blank, unvoted ballot inside the envelope, seal it and hand it to her. These were the instructions provided by her to anyone in the same positions as I on election day. I questioned whether she would be writing anything on the ballot or envelope, to which she replied that she wouldn’t, it was not necessary, it would be put in the bin with the other “spoiled” ballots. (How these were spoiled I don’t know, as there was nothing being marked on them.) When I questioned her on why she would not be marking them void, marked with an X, anything, she continued to insist that it was not necessary. I, myself, wrote VOID across my ballot before following the balance of her instructions. I was then allowed to vote on the voting machine. Only after leaving the polling place did I learn from another elections judge in our county, that I was to have completed and signed a “Declaration of Elector to Surrender Mail Ballot” which was then to be witnessed by the elections judge, at which point my name would be removed from the mail ballot list. None of this occurred. When I called my County Voter Registration Office to inquire regarding the proper procedure for spoiling a ballot at the polling place, as well as about the “Declaration” that I was not provided with, I was told by the person answering the phone that she was unaware of the process to spoil a ballot, she was not aware of the “Declaration” form, and to her understanding that the mail ballots turned in at polling places would be “brought back and shredded”. I asked her where they were being brought back to…she did not know. I called my Republican Senator’s office. The gentleman answering the phone also was not aware of the process to spoil a ballot, and suggested that I call my counting Voter Reg Office….I attempted to fill out a Voter Complaint on the PA DOS website. I was required to first fill in my information and check a box to affirm that I was not a robot before I could fill out the complaint portion. Upon clicking the box, a message appeared telling me that my information did not corroborate with a registered voter..however, my county voter reg site confirms that I am a registered Republican. I did my own research to discover that on November 1, 2020, “Guidance” was put into place by Kathy Bookvar, requiring the “Declaration of Elector to Surrender Mail Ballot”, previously only required by military or absentee voters surrendering a ballot, would be required of every civillian as well. This was not the case during primaries.
    I then called the PA DOS complaint line. I spoke with a very nice woman. I explained that, at that point, I was not aware if it was an issue at all that I wasn’t provided with the Declaration form, to which she responded “it’s a HUGE problem, and you know what, I’m supposed to tell you that everything will work out fine, but it won’t. The Commonwealth won’t do a damned thing about it!” She proceeded to give me the email address for the PA legislative group in charge of the current lawsuit around Kathy Bookvar’s late voting guidance. She said that she couldn’t guarantee that it would be seen, but that it would “have to be kept in that file until litigation is over.” She also instructed me to call the PA DOJ. So any news outlet that wants to tell me that this is overblown, nothing really happened, Trump and his team are making things up can kiss my ass!


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