Another “Glitch” That When Corrected Puts President A Whisker Away From A Wisconsin Win – IOTW Report

Another “Glitch” That When Corrected Puts President A Whisker Away From A Wisconsin Win

Gateway Pundit

Now tonight we have identified approximately 10,000 votes that were moved from President Trump to Biden in just one Wisconsin County.

This information came from an individual who saw this happen in Rock County Wisconsin. More

19 Comments on Another “Glitch” That When Corrected Puts President A Whisker Away From A Wisconsin Win

  1. Wake the hell up America loving Trump supporters!!!!

    Trump will win. It’s going to work out. Do not let the MSM steal this election – Bite-me has never been officially told he won – it’s all a bluff hoping we and President Trump will be good little sheeple and go away.

  2. There is an increasing drumbeat calling these blatant identical simultaneous swings in vote counts what they really are – pre-meditated intentional software tampering

  3. “Time to stop calling these glitches isn’t it?”

    Malware, maybe? Like Anonymous, Stirrin and Hardy Brooks ^^ say, it’s not a hack if the code was deliberately written to perform the function.

    Swampware – Dr Tar

  4. Is it just a coincidence that all of the measures that Democrats deliberately and systematically try to incorporate into the voting system that allow extra legal voting and lack of transparency are exactly what have been exploited?

  5. The only evidence is 10,000 votes were switched. Reporting it was due to a glitch is not fact, and as untruthful as saying Biden is the president elect. He is not, at least not yet.

    A computer glitch is defined as the failure of a system, usually a computing device, to complete its functions or to perform them properly.

    We don’t yet know if it failed to perform properly. Do we? Switching votes to favor one candidate over the other may have been a feature, not a glitch. Or due to the system being hacked, which also is not a glitch.

    I have seen no report the systems have been examined and found to be free of a subroutine written into the software by the program coder (designed to only switch votes to favor one candidate over the other). Or examined and found to be free of any evidence of the system being hacked causing the vote switching, which would also be an intentional function caused by outsiders. Until that examination is done, saying it was due to a glitch is speculation or lying, not a fact.

  6. I’m, UNFORTUNATELY, born and raised and from and live in Wisconsin, right outside Milwaukee WI, in what is called, “The Four County Region”, which includes Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington, and Ozaukee Counties. I’m in Waukesha County WI, a County they say went to Biden. There is no eff’in way Waukesha County WI went to BiteMe.
    Waukesha County WI is on record as one of the most Conservative Republican strongholds in the entire United States and has been for decades. I know. I live here.


    Massive fraud.

    Massive late night Vote dumps. All for Biden. In numerous Counties. Confirmed.

    Numerous Counties had Registered Voter counts above 100%, ie, 102%, 104%, etc, of eligible Voters who voted.

    There were over ~230,000 ineligible Voters (dead people, etc) on the Registration Rolls that were supposed to be purged but the DemonCraps in Madistan WI did NOT do their jobs before The Election.

    The MASSIVELY corrupt and liberal DemonCrap GAB GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY BOARD was replaced just a few short years ago by THE WEC WISCONSIN ELECTION COMMISSION which was nothing more than GAB’ers jumping the fence to WEC. All GAB’ers were supposed to be fired and have to re-apply for their jobs at WEC so that a new and recent background check could be done on every one of the scum but that never happened.

    Madistan WI and UW-Madistan are filthy sewers of the most fecal dogshit liberalism.

    You can bank your sweet bippy that there is MASSIVE Election fraud in The State Of Wisconsin and that there is NO WAY BiteMe went from being behind Trump to suddenly winning WI by a razor thin margin of ~20K+/- some odd Votes.

    An investigation into Election fraud has now been opened up here in WI but we’ll see where that goes. The people running it are credible Conservatives, as much as any politician can be credible.

    I’m 59.5. For the first time in my life, I didn’t Vote. I don’t believe in the process nor the Ballot Box any more.

    Only violent Revolution by The Conservative Armed Silent Majority now is gonna change this sewer that decades of corrupt politicians and corrupt government have turned the otherwise grandest USofA into.

    Public radio in WI is running story after story after story AFTER STORY of how allegations of Voting fraud are being proffered forward with NO EVIDENCE. NO EVIDENCE. WE ARE DROWNING IN EVIDENCE. Public radio, public television, and CPB The Corporation For Public BroadCasting … the ~$445MM TaxPayer-dollared (that’s right, half a billion of YOUR dollars per year is handed to this biased über liberal dogshitter) biased über liberal propoganda machine committing some of the most heinous propoganda frauds perpetrated upon The American TaxPayers, We The People.

    … and, you are correct in what you are thinking. Wisconsin is a shithole.

  7. SR November 10, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    Don’t ever dismay, SR.

    My life story is long, over some 75 years so far, but I can honestly tell you that I have had the privilege of living all over this beautiful Country and know and met/ate/slept with/fallen in love with/ studied with and worked amongst the most kind-hearted, loving, salt-of the Earth people (including Wisconsin) ever to exist.

    This is our Country and nobody else’s. Some people only want power and control, something that they can never take from you unless you let them or they have figured out a way to steal it from you, but only if you let them.

    Wisconsin belongs to you. And, we will always have your back no matter what.

    P.S. Just a side note…always maintain your sense of humor.

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