Expert On Generating “lies, hate, chaos and division” Spouts Off On Twitter – IOTW Report

Expert On Generating “lies, hate, chaos and division” Spouts Off On Twitter


In a series of tweets congratulating Democratic voters for backing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in their White House run, former first lady Michelle Obama chastised the more than 70 million Americans who voted for President Donald Trump, claiming that their votes meant supporting “lies, hate, chaos and division.” More

25 Comments on Expert On Generating “lies, hate, chaos and division” Spouts Off On Twitter

  1. Lies, hate, chaos and division? 🤔

    Her highness just gave the perfect description, of what Barack Insane O and her ilk actually delivered to our country. I pray to the Lord for mercy, that we will not have to suffer through your husband’s third term.

  2. When was “lies, hate, chaos and division” the “status quo” as Mooch states?

    It may be the status quo for democrats, but I don’t see how those words could be used to define any of my conservative friends.

    My conclusion: She’s projecting again.


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