Will Nanotechnology be Inserted into the COVID-19 Vaccine? Shocking Video from Famous Doctor – IOTW Report

Will Nanotechnology be Inserted into the COVID-19 Vaccine? Shocking Video from Famous Doctor

Video at The Jewish Voice

ht/ tsunami

19 Comments on Will Nanotechnology be Inserted into the COVID-19 Vaccine? Shocking Video from Famous Doctor

  1. I’ve been lifting my ass off in a Petri Dish of a gym, post cancer. Trying to get back once was mine. My blood tests look like super mans. Can’t say the same for the wife. But we have that under control too. That New Jersey gym owner hit the nail on the head. The chemicals you excrete fro working out defeat the China Virus.

  2. This vaccine is probably the biggest thing I disagree with Trump on. I’m not anti-vaccine, I believe in childhood vaccines up to a point, although I think they want them to take way more than necessary.
    But, flu vaccines imho the risks outweigh the benefits especially when you look at CDC data and see that in some years they’re only 10% effective and they push them way too much for me to ever allow them to give me one. I’ve had the flu many times over my lifetime and I can get over the flu.

    This vaccine though is the scariest to me because it was developed so quickly and because Gates has had anything to do with it. I won’t be taking it and they can just kill me. I wouldn’t take it even if every politician got on tv and filmed themselves getting it, they’d probably be getting something other than the vaccine anyway.

  3. I won’t be volunteering to take the vaccine. I like to trust my own immune system. Hoping it will be up to the task. I’m happy to no longer be working in hospitals, now days they require all employees to have annual flu shots, including outside vendors, as I once was, that serviced their equipment.

    The possible troubles from avoiding taking the vaccine is the government going the face mask route. Everyone is required to wear a face make migrating to everyone must be vaccinated. “Show me your papers certifying you have been vaccinated to be allowed to enter this facility.”

    Plus if nasty side effects show up after millions of people are vaccinated. We can be sure Facebook, Twitter, Google, MSM, etc. will censor reports of problems. Claiming it is fake reporting, as if they could know. They won’t stop the information from becoming known, but they can slow it down and delay it becoming known.

    I think PDJT felt compelled to push quick development by the fear mongering making many people desire a vaccine. They can go get vaccinated. Just don’t require me or others that don’t want it to get vaccinated.

  4. Hmmm…maybe the nanotech is why Herr Doktor Gates said that multiple doses of the vaccine will be needed. Or “reauired”, if you prefer:


    I guess the required amount of nanotech won’t fit in one dose. Probably no vaccine at all in doses 2, 3, 4…just machine maintenance and patches. These evil scientists are getting too clever by half with their meddling. I’m glad I’m old enough to not have to put up with this Brave New World bullshit, but I worry about my children.

  5. Hey, Brad. Your petri dish at the gym is the best way to stay healthy. Making your immune system work is no different than exercising your muscles. If you have a weakened immune system from hiding in your house and wearing a mask do you know what your immune system is not gonna be able to handle? A new virus.
    I’m in the gym lifting weights, doing Muay Thai, and Brazilian jujitsu at least 3-5 times a week. Do you know who’s not sick? Do you know who hasn’t got sick this entire time? Me and the killers I workout with.

    I have a theory that the covid-1984 was released as a way to cull the population of the unhealthy, weak, and elderly. Apparently, it’s easier to get dead people to vote Democrat and it is to get live ones.

  6. Thirdtwin, the reason for multiple doses isn’t nanobots, but sterilisation. This requires multiple doses to have a permanent effect. Population reduction is one of the primary goals of the so-called “Great Reset.”


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