de Blasio to send mental health professionals on NYC 911 calls – IOTW Report

de Blasio to send mental health professionals on NYC 911 calls


When there’s a fire in New York City, 911 dispatch sends a team of firefighters. And when there’s a car crash, responders call for a tow truck and an ambulance. When when there’s a 911 call about an unstable individual posing harm to themselves or to others, New York City sends its law enforcement.

But that might not be the case for much longer.

In a statement made by the mayor’s office on Tuesday Morning, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a pilot program that would send counseling professionals to respond to 911-calls that are associated with mental health emergencies—instead of police officers.

Per the current design of the pilot program, law-enforcement officers will not accompany the mental health professional to respond to the call. Instead, crisis workers who are trained in emergency response and crisis aversion will be first on the scene and will then decide if a situation requires backup. more here

26 Comments on de Blasio to send mental health professionals on NYC 911 calls

  1. I wonder if he voted using his fake name and his real name. Or his ‘kid.’ Also, did hunter vote in Maryland and california? Someone should check those things.
    What I really want to know, though, is- where is the 800+ million dollars of taxpayer’s money that neither he, nor his wife, can account for?

  2. …so, will the brain peepers be provided with Ghostbusters hearses with soothing whale sounds instead of sirens?

    …but whatever you put on the roof, the “hearse” part is VERY important, because you’re gonna NEED it…

  3. …back in my Squad days I responded to many a violent mental at the request of LEO, and sometimes found out they were violent mentals WITHOUT LEO being present.

    Do you see the word on LEFT side of the phrase “Violent Mental”?

    …that’s a VERY important word.

    It means a person who has no mental reservations about doing you great bodily harm, has very likely already done someone ELSE great bodily harm, and also doesn’t have many concerns for their OWN saftey and may even attack you with broken limbs of their own because, well, they’re CRAZY.

    You know what a crazy person is capable of?

    In a word, ANYTHING.

    They do NOT react or behave like a NON crazy person.

    That’s what makes them crazy.

    The best example I was on where a “counselor” was involved was a schizophrenic frequent flyer of ours that the family was trying to get help for from all sorts of different places, and had the bad luck to be doing it just as Democrats were emptying asylums and starting to “normalize” mental illness as well as redefine mental illness so crazy people could do more damage to themselves and everyone around them in the communities, so communities would give Democrats more power to ‘solve’ the problem they caused. You know the drill.

    Anyway, this particular young man on this particular day was, prior to our arrival, being attended by a minister who was trying to counsel him. I don’t know the details because I got the crazy guy and not the now-head injured minister, but at some point the negotiations with one of his more demonic personalities broke down, and the minister ended up with a guitar broken over his head.

    Enter SNS at the reqest of LEO, who were quickly summoned to the scene after that.

    Fortunately for the minister, it was an ACOUSTIC guitar, so while I’m certain it didn’t tickle, at least it didn’t kill him like a solid bodied guitar would.

    Less hilarious was the time a crazy guy set his house on fire, called the fire department, then sat in his room with a rifle to shoot at anyone responding. Happily he was either a poor shot or the smoke spoiled his aim so he didn’t get any, but he most certainly COULD have.

    And the second one points out that you don’t KNOW if its a mental.

    But the OTHER side of that coin is, that you can’t necessarily tell between a mental and a druggie, although they can certainly overlap.

    Someone acting crazy may be ready to die of an overdose very soon, but if the psychologist is busy trying to talk him down, he may miss little things like drooling and sweating that can be tipoffs that this is not as much crazy as it is dopey, and that talk therapy isn’t likely to save a life tonight.

    Also, one of the craziest people I ever saw was on my very first day doing my required hospital time to get my EMT license. Another agency brought in a guy who was foaming and yelling and snapping at everyone and everything, had already bitten the medic’s wrists bloody, and was pissing himself as well, a fact that became very manifest to me when I performed the high-level medical duty of throwing myself across the guy’s legs so he wouldn’t kick the guys trying to strap him down to death. To me, a very lightly trained and experienced outside observer at the time, this just looked like ALL the crazy.

    But it wasn’t. The man was having a heart attack. A very painful one that literally hurt so much it made him mad with pain.

    He died a little while later.

    Would a phychologist, steeped in the latest in modern gender theory and trained to recognize when a boy should have his penis cut off so he could live his lifelong (at 3 years) fantasy of pretending to be a girl recognize THIS as a MEDICAL, and not Psychological, problem?

    I’m guessing NOT.

    …you’ll notice I keep saying “Psychologist”. At this point, you may make the argument that they COULD send “Psychiatrists”, who ARE actually trained doctors and DO have SOME medical background. Well, bear in mind that even as doctors they took the decision that the “gooshy” parts of medical care are not for them and so didn’t continue training in that direction, and also that they are VERY expensive, VERY limited in quantity, and probably think MUCH too highly of themselves to deal with crazy people in the field for a dinky City paycheck, so odds are that will NOT be who’s there anyway.

    Not that they’d be much use, those guys are crazy as their patients, and have a very high suicide rate to reflect that.

    And when you get your sanity by stud, the child looks a LOT like the father.

    So, if this is part of the continuing Noo Yawk plan to reduce the surplus population, as Ebenizer Scrooge and Bill Gates and Mario Cuomo might put it, it may succeed as a brake on population, with bonus kills of recent University psychology grads who won’t be paying their student loans off after thata.

    But, if the idea is to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people, this WILL fail miserably.

    And this doesn’t even get into the collateral damage that the crazy person will wreak on freinds and family and the community on his return, because there’s NOWHERE TO PUT HIM, but this is ALREADY too long and involved and we passed TL:DNR some time ago, so I’ll just leave you wiht a funny graphic of a guy being hit over the head with a guitar instead, that you may relate to the top of this post if you actually read this far…

  4. That will last about as long as it takes for the first half dozen of the unarmed idiots who try to talk down the drugged out maniacs to wind up in the ER. Then the rest will run for their lawyers to make the cops come along to protect them whenever they get a live wire customer.

  5. 99th Squad Leader
    NOVEMBER 13, 2020 AT 12:38 PM

    …thank you 99, but I’m just relating some of the weirdness God let me get into…and got me out of. Its less authorship than it is stenography. God wrote the story, I’m just holding the pen.

    I grew up with Hannah Barbara and so I’m pretty fond of Quick Draw/El Kabong myself, but I’m even HAPPIER the mask is around his EYES and NOT over his MOUTH…

  6. get the crime scene unit ready to roll a lot more more death, more injuries, more blood, more crime scene tape….yes more OT for the guys n gals pad that pension and get the F out and thank to the libs and progs for a nice retirement

  7. Supernightshade. Something to think about in reference to your comment;
    “Its less authorship than it is stenography. God wrote the story, I’m just holding the pen.”

    God assigned Matthew, Mark, Luke and John to record basically the same Biblical evemts, yet they told those accounts based on their personal, eyewitness point of view. God even named books of the Holy Bible after them, to confirm God created us to be recognized as individuals he lovingly created.

    SNS, they were flawed men like all of us, yet because of their obedience and God’s grace and mercy, they were used to tell the greatest story ever told.

    Although you are not penning scripture, you write about life experiences that inspire others in more ways than you know.

    Reconsider book writing – it may be part of your spiritual destiny in service to God.

    Apologies to readers for the off topic comments.


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