Dem Black List Shut Down After Backlash – IOTW Report

Dem Black List Shut Down After Backlash


The “Trump Accountability Project” was created shortly after media outlets declared Democratic nominee Joe Biden the winner in the presidential election, with its mission being to list those who worked in President Trump’s administration to hold them “accountable.” More

14 Comments on Dem Black List Shut Down After Backlash

  1. My list would also include all the currently anonymous button pushers that censor conservatives on all media platforms.

    Just like the Nazi guards, they need to be chased down and held accountable for their treasonous actions. Even if they move to Argentina.

  2. With the internet still blabbing about who is doing what on both sides, though the Lefties have a much larger liar base, the game of making lists now cuts both ways.
    The elitists numbering in the tens of thousands had best remember that if they use their “lists” others numbering in the tens of millions will use theirs.

  3. Sure sounded like the US National Socialists version of
    the USSR’s SIBERIA in the works… I wonder if Montana or Alaska was the hidden location. I understand Ted Turner of CNN, owns about 200,000 ac in just Montana alone not counting Argentina.

    Briefly met/saw the guy one morning in the CNN bldg. food court in
    1995?. Both Him and his big and I mean big African American bodyguard. I was there doing IT Security-Audits. in the 2 Towers.

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