WHAT THE HELL? Report Claims Durham Is Dropping the Spygate Investigation – IOTW Report

WHAT THE HELL? Report Claims Durham Is Dropping the Spygate Investigation

PJ Media-

It appears that the bureaucracy is more afraid of the Democrats than the people, as a report emerges claiming the Justice Department is dropping the investigation into Spygate, nearly two years after it began.


ht/ rich taylor

45 Comments on WHAT THE HELL? Report Claims Durham Is Dropping the Spygate Investigation

  1. I heard a week ago that Durham was going to do this. His excuse: He could find no prosecutable evidence of crimes.

    Thanks Barr, go collect your reward for being the snake you are.

  2. You don’t think this is because of the election results, do ya? 🤔

    You guys in the swamp are going to push too far, you’ve already trashed President Trump and We the People almost four years, and that doesn’t include going all the way back to the Clinton’s and their crimes, keep throwing gasoline on the 🔥 fire assholes.

  3. Timing and political power is everything.

    Of course Durham doesn’t fear retaliation from a Trump second term, but obviously does cringe at the potential retribution democrats would dish out to those delegalizing their attempted coup.

  4. He may look intimidating but he’s just another pussy in the swamp afraid of the RATS!

    Trump should fire his ass and hire Sheriff David Clarke to take over and to clean house in the DOJ!

  5. It is a perverse world that we live in; not only can elections be stolen, but a sitting president can collude with the bought dogs of his intelligence apparatus to spy on an incoming president elect that they don’t like, heads of said intelligence agencies can lie to congress, lie to the FISA court, unlawfully leak classified documents to the media, alter documents, and do nothing while their crack whore without the dignity candidate herself break a bucketful of federal laws by operating an unauthorized email server, exposing top secret national secrets to any 5th grader with a computer, then lying about it.

    My list of people that have let me down this year keeps growing; Bolton, Sasse, Graham, Barr, Durham, Coulter, and the true conservatives at Foxnews that have stood idly by while their network betrays its audience on a nightly basis.

    All because they don’t want to inflame the sensibilities of (what they think) is the new guard coming to power. The level of “pussiehood” has gone of the charts.

  6. …..Dropping the investigation because the name Durham and Barr keep coming up too often???

    Investigators with the full power of the U.S. government that pull this kind of shit can only be because they are just as dirty as those they are investigating.

  7. Anyone whose been in government for the past 20 years or more has a record that the Clinton Streetsweeper has sucked up! Those FBI files missing for two years gave the Hillbag all the power she needed. Mark my words, the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation and their associated minions are at the bottom of all this!

  8. “What will they do when Trump gets his second term?”

    They made sure that isn’t going to happen. And sadly, it won’t.

    If someone came to me today and said, “Lowell, if we can cut off your right foot and Trump will be president for the next four years, wold you do that?”

    I’d say take ’em both if necessary. I want Trump in the job that badly. But I have no faith the rule of law will be applied to correct this election.

  9. I call BS, he was hired to do a job, it’s not like he is running a department and decided to close the investigation down.If he did bail, he will die just as easily as all the other traitors
    Maybe Trump should get off his ass and tell Durham to put the report out, or fire Wray or some damn thing to drain some of these swampers.

  10. Odd that a lot of people we were lead to believe were pit bulls that always gets their man. That grab their target by the azz and shakes them till their teeth fall out. Making them rat out themselves and their co-conspirators.

    Seem to always change character after being assigned the job, as if they were being blackmailed by threat of releasing several deep dark secrets about themselves. And instead of hearing growls and screams, we hear a whimper, and are told no criminal activity was found.

  11. “Dropping the Spygate Investigation”

    That means Tom Fitton, AG after President Trump fires Barr, will pick it up again and do the job properly.

  12. The magnificent Pedro Gonzalez of American Greatness spells it all out for you. If you can handle the truth, read it. If Trump is a talisman that you are desperately clinging to, don’t bother.

    BTW, if any of you depend on Social Security in whole or in part, you’ll be interested to find out that you almost lost it during the stimulus, because it likely would have been made permanent. As it is, Trump did a reach around and has deferred the payment of Social Security taxes.

    You may also be interested to find out why Trump never intervened in the riots. Fascinating.

    Rumor has it that Jared Kushner has left Washington, so there’s that.


  13. Brad, I wish I was. But I’m not. Remember how you said that Revolver was your first stop in the morning? And I said it was mine, too? Well, that’s where I found the link to the article. That’s why I respect Revolver News. American Greatness is a known conservative publication. Gonzalez is the assistant editor. His article on MAGA, Inc. is a must read.

    I voted for Trump the first time around, with great enthusiasm. This time, I sat on my hands, just like he did. I wasn’t going to participate in an illegitimate election. Because I saw all this, and I didn’t appreciate all the stringing along I saw at many of the BS fauxservative sites.

    Who appointed Barr? Wray? Haspel? After a while, you have to say “Wait a minute here…”

    Make the case that Gonzalez is wrong.

  14. Magot

    “You may also be interested to find out why Trump never intervened in the riots”

    States Rights you fool. You can’t have it both ways. He tried in several states and Libtards like yourself screamed bloody murder. Now you want to flip a bitch on your original position? Fuck that. You’re not worth the argument because you losers switch your positions like normal people change their underwear. By the way that’s why Libtards smell. Poor hygiene.

  15. “Really when someone doesn’t understand then its up to
    other viewers that they will assist, so here it happens.”

    English is NOT this assholes first language. Go back to Venezuela bitch. That shits not happening here.

  16. Brad, calm down and make the case that Gonzalez is wrong. States rights only goes so far. Murder and mayhem is states rights? I don’t think so. Especially when there’s Federal property involved.

    I’ve been through this before, so sticks and stones and all that. I was on R/The Donald when Trump endorsed Paul Ryan and John McCain and I questioned it. For that I got banned. Of course, the same people who got me banned later sniveled about how Ryan and McCain betrayed Trump, and then eventually the forum was cancelled by Reddit, like the smacked asses they were.

    Now, when I got beat up there, they called me a “Bernie Bro’, Lol. I guess name calling is the default position when it comes to Trump, because he sets the example.

  17. Magot

    Against my better judgment I went over and read your Racist Mexicans boyfriends shit and i gotta tell you, I’m still laughing. I’ll try and make this simple for you to understand. Your boy friend focused on Blue Collar work force. Turns out Trump did have a magic wand. And anybody that was in manufacturing benefited greatly from his efforts to “uncouple” from China. The Globalists, who are currently assaulting Trump are doing so because they have lost to much of our money. It confuses me why any American would want China to take those manufacturing jobs back from our workers. Regardless of skin color. And only a fucking racist, like your boy friend, would spend that much time trying to divide us by skin color. What you desire is not the best path for the majority of America. Go visit Venezuela for a month and then get back to me.

  18. Well, now, Brad, when I spoke up in defense of Ben Garrison after Trump disinvited him from that bs “tech summit”, I was called Garrison’s gay lover elsewhere, so your insults don’t bother me. What is WITH you guys?

    “By 2017, the economic populism that attracted working-class whites gave way to a tax cuts plan formulated by Gary Cohn. He served as president and Chief Operating Officer of Goldman Sachs for a quarter-century. Cohn’s gift to Trump’s base was a zero percent tax rate on many profits generated by corporate offshoring, which some have argued incentivized the practice. Roughly 1,800 factories between 2016 and 2018 and 740,000 manufacturing jobs since February 2020 sailed overseas.”

    Hmm. Between 2016 and 2018. Remind me who was President then.

    “More to the point, an infrastructure plan producing high-paying jobs for all would have eliminated the need for any group “plans” as it would have promoted jobs that elevated Americans of all ethnicities. It would have been in keeping with the president’s admonition that “Success will unite us.”

    What would have been so wrong with that?

  19. “Barr is as big a rat as Sessions.

    Both traitors.”

    Exactly, and WHY is he there? Appointee after appointee after appointee imposed on us, not to mention ass clowns like Fauci. At some point you have to say, WTF??

    Remember “Lock her up”? The only people getting locked up are Trump supporters. Hillary, however, is “good people” who has “suffered enough”.

  20. “China was still stealing our intellectual property and our jobs. Trump understood this. Obama never got it”

    Obama got it, all right. And all you have to do is look at Biden and his godforsaken son to know this. He was IN on the grift.

  21. Brad, I dunno what you’re so pissed off at me about. We both want the same things for the country, I think. If Trump can’t deliver, what good is he?

    Anyway, I’ll give you your practical because I see it every day. US citizens who do business on line STILL have to compete with China, if they sell new product. And a Chinese seller can deliver a package cheaper to a house in the same town as me than I can. They are subsidized by USPS. Which is why I stick to certain items where I don’t have to compete with Chinese sellers.

    Speaking of China, they’re partying over in Wuhan, while MOAR lockdowns are being threatened here.

  22. Brad,
    Margot gets a charge when she can complain about Trump in any way possible, which is why she can never say Trump does anything right.
    Even if she did say something positive, I’m sure it’ll be said in a backhanded sort of way. 😀


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