Ancient Bust of Hermes Found In Athens Sewer – IOTW Report

Ancient Bust of Hermes Found In Athens Sewer

LA Times

An ancient bust of the Greek god Hermes was discovered in good condition in central Athens during sewage work, authorities said Sunday.

The Greek Culture Ministry said that the head, one of many that served as street markers in ancient Athens, was found Friday an appears to be from around 300 B.C. It depicts Hermes at “a mature age,” the ministry said, in contrast to his usual depictions as a youthful god.

The head is in the style of famed Greek sculptor Alcamenes, who flourished in the second half of the fifth century B.C., the ministry said. More

Makes me wonder what they’ll find in D.C.’s sewers 2500 years from now? – Dr. Tar

15 Comments on Ancient Bust of Hermes Found In Athens Sewer

  1. …that’s nothing. Bill Clinton once found the Ancient Bust of Hillary when he went home one day and found her and Huma at it, and he’s never been back since…

  2. Wasn’t Hermes, among other things, the swiftest messenger, and the god of thieves? Making Hermes a good fit for the MSM, their election day evening reporting, and the democrats.


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