Trudeau Says Covid is an Opportunity To Spread Global Socialism – IOTW Report

Trudeau Says Covid is an Opportunity To Spread Global Socialism

16 Comments on Trudeau Says Covid is an Opportunity To Spread Global Socialism

  1. Don’t believe the Covid numbers increasing dramatically anymore than you believe the election numbers. Think…the first lockdown tried to keep us from celebrating Easter, this second “spike” is being used as a pretense to shutdown Christmas.
    Satan is alive and well and leading the democrats and the one world order. He tried it at Babel and it didn’t work then either.

  2. This is what it was intended to do, and it seems to be working.

    People living in fear look for someone to appear as a savior and lead them to safety, they rarely question those who convince them they can.

    Really, a brilliant and highly developed and perfectly executed strategy on the part of the initiators if you step outside the box and examine it impartially.

  3. Trump should declare martial law and kick the U.N. off of our soil and cut of their gravy train of tax payer money!
    I’ve always thought this china virus hoax was intended for this goal of the NWO!

  4. Trump’s first week as President, arrest Soros, write and Executive Order outlawing lobbyists and lobbying (they’re supposed to work for us), fire ANYBODY left over from the obama era, including military. Only issue press credentials to reporters that can pass a Citizens test. There fixed it.

  5. If you guys ever come up here and invade, my house in the one that already has an American Flag (2 actually, the 50 & the Betsy Ross)

    And it was Trump that called this little shit stain “Two Faced”

  6. Yeah, but if I ever mention the proposals of Agenda 2030 in casual conversation I’m called a kook or “conspiracy theorist”. Hell, you can download the whole pdf pile from the UN website. How’s that a theory?


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