Rhode Island, Texas, New Mexico, and Tennessee picked for Pfizer pilot COVID-19 vaccine delivery program – IOTW Report

Rhode Island, Texas, New Mexico, and Tennessee picked for Pfizer pilot COVID-19 vaccine delivery program

Just The News: Pfizer Inc. has launched a pilot delivery program for its experimental COVID-19 vaccine in four U.S. states, after announcing last week that early data shows the two-shot vaccine is 90% effective.

“We are hopeful that results from this vaccine delivery pilot will serve as the model for other U.S. states and international governments, as they prepare to implement effective COVID-19 vaccine programs,” Pfizer said in a statement on Monday.

The drug maker picked New Mexico, Rhode Island, Tennessee and Texas for the pilot program, after weighing the states’ populations, racial diversity, immunization infrastructure and need to reach people in both urban and rural areas, Fox Business reported.

But Pfizer made clear that the states won’t get doses of the vaccine earlier than other states.

Pfizer on Nov. 9 said results from its most recent human trials on its coronavirus vaccine show it is more than 90% effective. The drug maker said it is now on track to ask health regulators for permission to begin distributing and selling the vaccine – which is two shots weeks apart – by the end of the month, if continued trials demonstrate that the vaccine is safe.  read more

13 Comments on Rhode Island, Texas, New Mexico, and Tennessee picked for Pfizer pilot COVID-19 vaccine delivery program

  1. Brad, good news!! The aspirin is to act as a blood thinner, one of the worst complications with Covid is blood clots in the lungs. Everything you can do to naturally build your immune system is better than taking a Gates or Fauci vaccine.

  2. joe6

    True story. After your recommendation of the aspirin, I called our doc and he said “hell yes”. Thanks for the tip.
    And she did not have the “usual” symptoms. Rumor has it, it’s mutating. She was just dead tired. No fever, no loss of smell. Extreme fatigue. If you google the symptoms, fever is now low on the list. And what does everyone check you for? Fever.

  3. Brad, you would think and hope that medical professionals would give out that type of advice. My brother described how all the doctors in his area were taking an aspirin a day as a precaution due to the increase in cases around them. As you can imagine they are all concerned. My brother has tested a couple hundred people, many have proven to be positive, so far he has not.

  4. Joe6
    From my vantage point the medical professionals are still treating this virus like a black death mystery or something. Quite clearly some people have different levels of immunity than others.

  5. I haven’t had a vaccine of any kind in over 50 years now, since I got out of the Army, and I haven’t caught anything for which there is a vaccine.

    My immune system hasn’t been impaired by vaccines, I don’t intend to start impairing it with this one.

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