L Lin Wood: “Donald Trump won I believe a 70% plus landslide election in the nation” – IOTW Report

L Lin Wood: “Donald Trump won I believe a 70% plus landslide election in the nation”

The Gateway Pundit

Attorney Lin Wood joined Mark Levin on Tuesday to discuss the theft of the 2020 election.

This was one explosive interview! More

16 Comments on L Lin Wood: “Donald Trump won I believe a 70% plus landslide election in the nation”

  1. Okaaaaay, I’ve been hearing this for two weeks now. I hope you have verifiable quantifiable evidence, because I’m getting a strong message that the judicial system (i.e., SCOTUS) is not going to hear a prima facia, circumstantial evidence case.

  2. I believe that. I also believe that Trump will prevail, and the Dems know it, but they absolutely had to tarnish and obscure Trump’s overwhelming victory. Trump has been making them step out of the shadows and expose their evil for four years. May he keep it up for four more.

  3. I am seeing a variety of commentary that it had to happen this way, that it had to appear to the lamestream media-fed public that Creepy Joe was the winner, to prove that there was voter fraud. Of course if there weren’t fraud then we would all be celebrating right now because Trump would be recognized as the victor. It is a reasonable argument.
    A video I watched a few minutes ago said the key is the Dominion servers in Germany now in DOJ custody. Simply presenting that evidence should be sufficient.
    We shall see. Like all of you I remain hopeful but have no influence on the outcome.

  4. Following up on what stirrin said, all this, “Trump really won the election but Biden stole it” does nothing except make me angry. Lin Wood has a herculean task of making this right. Despite all his optimism, until those handfuls of states that projected Biden the winner, until all those votes are recounted and those state electors “certify” that Trump is the winner, not Biden, all this is just wishful thinking, it changes nothing.

    I’ve been jerked around way too often this year and feel like a chump believing that recompence is in the offing or that restitution will be provided.

  5. @Thirdtwin – I agree with you 100%. BUT, you’re not considering the (flawed as it most definitely is) human nature element. The SCOTUS will be VERY nervous and very hesitant to intercede in the election process, and be known as the court that “reversed” a “popular” vote.

    Reversed and popular are in quotes because there never was a popular vote victory for ChinaJoe. Sadly, in this case the court of public opinion will trump the Supreme Court of The United States. I really, really, really, really hope I’m wrong, but John Roberts scares me.

  6. Vote recounts have to be more honest than the first count to result in a change. Thus far, especially in Ga., the recount appears to be as crooked as the first count. Probably others, the fraud is so vast its’ difficult to keep up. PDJT winning by 400 e.v. certainly makes more sense than Joe winning.

  7. shamelessly copied, stolen, and shared
    this guys comments ….

    “Fa Cube ItchesNovember 18, 2020 at 3:25 PM

    They (antifa-blm) are well funded, well organized, at least somewhat trained (highly trained, in some cases), and at least somewhat armed (and if stuff kicks off for real, I’ll wager that they “unexpectedly” get very well armed, very quickly). They are ready for a civil war.

    Our side, in the main, is absolutely unprepared, other than being reasonably well armed. We have no funding, no organization, etc. If things go sporty, we will be playing an ugly game of catch-up for quite a while.”

  8. ” .. At 3:37 AM CST, total votes were 3,018,212; Trump had 1,536,270 votes (50.9%); Biden 1,427,614 votes (47.3%); other candidates 54,328 votes (1.8%).

    At 3:42 AM CST, total votes were 3,186,598; Trump had 1,561,433 votes (49.0%); Biden 1,570,993 votes (49.3%); other candidates 54,172 votes (1.7%).

    Total increase in Trump votes in 5 minutes: 25,163 (1.64%).

    Total increase in Biden votes in 5 minutes: 143,379 (10.04%)…”

    Similar vote jumps for Joe were found in other states, too.

    https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/11/its_in_the_code_trump_won_michigan_and_wisconsin.html .

  9. I listened to it live, my chin hit the floor.

    @President Elect Crackerbaby – I listen EVERY day.

    You, respectfully, should re-consider…

    Why would all these people that are involved risk the own reputations in the later lives…?


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