Has Kommie Harris resigned her senate seat? – IOTW Report

Has Kommie Harris resigned her senate seat?

It’s an honest question and neither scroogle nor Ding will answer it.
Did she resign and I missed it?

These guys are wondering, too:
Why hasn’t Kamala Harris Resigned from the Senate like Obama if she is sure Biden Won? We need to Demand that Harris Resign, now.

If 2020 election is a lock, then when will Sen. Harris resign her Senate seat?

19 Comments on Has Kommie Harris resigned her senate seat?

  1. @Left Coast Dan

    If Gruesome has to replace her it sure had better be a woman. Of color. Because identity politics is most important politics.

    I just had a waking nightmare. In a minute I’ll go have a shot or two of rye whiskey and then beat my head against the refrigerator a few times to get the idea out of my head.

    But first, I’ll pass it along…BWAHAHAHAHA!

    Senator Waters

  2. Plenty more communists in California where she came from, Grusume will just appoint another race-baiting, LBGT Hag only without the ability to suck the chrome off a trailer hitch this time.

  3. Even I have hope. I can charge a fucking M1 Garand. Come on, people. I can hit a fist sized rock at 100 yards 10 out of 10 times on a rifleman’s stance with an Enfield. Bust heads, people.

    Be excellent to one another.

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