Clarice Feldman Facebook Post – IOTW Report

Clarice Feldman Facebook Post

Clarice Feldman

Favorites  · · h/t stephanie:Rex at Quadverum:

1. It is now becoming clearer what Sidney Powell’s focus is. Remember, Powell is likely unable to reveal all (even if she wants to). She is a lawyer acting on client instructions. Not just that, I suspect that the evidence she has access to is classified at the highest level. But we know that Powell has seen evidence that has STUNNED her. Perhaps even frightened her. It’s obvious by her demeanor and speech. Powell is trying her best to give us more information:

2. I have been concerned that Powell’s main piece of evidence is an affidavit from a Chavez senior military officer.Powell keeps referring to it as ‘smoking hot’. My opinion has been ‘it’s interesting, sure. But if that is all she has, it doesn’t prove anything in 2020. Why is Sidney going on and on about it?’The tweet above answers my question. I think Powell is indicating that COMBINED WITH OTHER EVIDENCE, the affidavit becomes RED HOT.What other evidence?Check out Powell’s tweet.

3. Powell refers to Title 50 for the first time.Title 50 (below) is a sprawling piece of legislation defining what POTUS can and can’t do when the US is at war, or in a national emergency.For example, Trump’s EO 13848 was ordered under T 50. Anyway, what I think Powell is pointing us towards is that there is a national emergency in place and that Title 50 covert operations are occurring behind the scenes. There’s a LOT MORE happening than any of us know.

4. EVERYONE should listen to Powell’s interview with Howie Carr (1.30-1.44).It is STUNNING.A few days ago, Powell was referring only to election fraud using tech in Venezuela. Now she is referring to the use of this technology in the 2016 US Democratic primaries, the 2016 election as well as elections in different countries overseas.In addition, Powell alleges that there was interference from China, Iran, Serbia and Lichtenstein in the 2020 election. Not just that.

5. Apart from Trump, Powell specifically IDs John James and Leon Benjamin being targeted.There are 10 MILLION + fraudulent votes for Biden. She says that data suggests MILLIONS OF DEAD people voted.She has CHEQUE STUBS of people who paid to get others to harvest ballots. She has direct evidence of something called ‘dragon drop’ which allows an operator at a computer to make (Trump) votes disappear.Powell says that the evidence she has is ‘TERRIFYING’. There’s more.

6. Powell refers to her evidence including direct proof of mail in ballot fraud – multiple entries of the same ballot, pristine ballots. And VERY interesting indeed – an intercepted ‘call’ with ‘hundreds’ of people where a Department of Defense official instructs them (including Bernie Sanders) how to commit ‘sabotage’ in their offices.

7. There’s apparently evidence of a transcripted call by Dominion’s Eric Coomer admitting he has made sure Trump has lost. Oh – Coomer has DISAPPEARED.Dominion have closed their offices. Hundreds of their employees are erasing their presence from the web.Powell can’t prove it but she thinks CIA is involved and that Haspel should be fired.And more. The point being that even if half of what Powell is disclosing is true, we are talking about an emerging scandal of historic proportions.

8. Easily the worst crime in US history.But as Powell says, it’s also a GLOBAL scandal. This is the best interview Powell has done. She speaks with confidence, is calm and refers to specific evidence where she can. But you can hear the alarm in her voice. Powell is extremely worried at what she has seen. And ANGRY.

9. One last thing I found interesting.Howie Carr makes the important point that with evidence pouring in and the staggering dimensions of the case, will Powell have enough time to complete her investigation? Powell says she think she will.Now maybe it’s just me, but Powell seems to have found red hot evidence VERY fast. That suggests to me that Powell may be getting evidence that has already been collected and vetted. Let’s just say, from ‘others’.

10. Some of the evidence can’t be found in just 2-3 weeks, from a standing start.Makes sense. Powell is likely part of a team, each member responsible for putting into place a pre-prepared plan. That’s how I see it anyway.I think Powell is now finalizing her case, getting her evidence ducks in a row and may well be waiting for a ‘GO’ order from others.

ht/ nm

27 Comments on Clarice Feldman Facebook Post

  1. President Trump has always been playing three dimensional chess since his presidential first run began. He is a master strategist.

    I believe he knew before this election some if not all of the ways the dems were going to try to cheat. However, he needed them to actually carry out their plans before he could accuse, prove and prosecute.

    I still pray for him constantly, but now I am redoubling my efforts for not only him but our country which will be torn apart when sunlight shines on the evil men have committed.

  2. This term has been mis-heard and misinterpreted: ‘dragon drop’. Syndney Powell has used the term “drag AND drop”, as in dragging items (or groups of items, like votes) over to another file or to the “trash” icon on a computer screen. Smartmatic software is undoubtedly manipulated by a standard GUI with universal Windows-like icons.

    What I’m excited about is the recent news that someone(s) has given an affidavit of witnessing a mobile shredding truck arriving at and shredding ballots on-site at an elecion location. Just saw it in passing so I don’t have the link. Apparently there was video of the operation too.

  3. I heard that interview and Sidney did sound wary. Then when she got going she sounded ticked off.
    At least Howie realizes she can’t reveal all the evidence to the public. Yet.
    I feel like I’m watching a political thriller movie live. It is crazy.

  4. It’s just after 4:15AM PST and I’m up early as usual since I can’t sleep any longer after praying for this country for a while before I woke up. Yesterday I surprised myself and slept until 5:20 AM because of a very good night of peaceful sleep after asking God for a good peaceful night of rest and it was granted. Thank God, myself and all of us need all the peace of God we can get right now to get thru these tumultous, chaotic days where no one knows what the heck is going on. My name Geoff (Jeff) is derived from the English name Godfrey which means the peace of God, a peacemaker and I’m seeing myself as that more and more every day. May we all abide under God’s peace, there is no other way to get thru this mess that we are in otherwise.

  5. I may be a peace maker but I am no pacifist, I never have been and never will be a pacifist. I would’ve never joined the Navy at the end of the Vietnam War in 1972 if I had been a pacifist. And if I have to lay down my life as a martyr for Christ and for America as it was founded as One nation under God with liberty and justice for all so be it.

  6. I spend too much time on the internet. I just found a fascinating Dark Journalist video report investigating the connection between the upcoming 57th anniversary of JFK’s assassination (11/23/63) and Trump’s recent activation of a dormant JFK National Security Action Memo #57, through acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller.

    NSAM #57 / 57th anniversary / fired Mark Esper so ally, acting DODS Chris Miller, can work with him. Is this coincidence, providence 4D Chess or what?

    NSAM #57 is the outline that JFK put in place to disband the CIA. Do you remember Sidney Powell hinting that the CIA is involved in using the Dominion/Symatic/Scytyl voting machines? DJ goes on to say that Powell has a connection to the JFK assassination investigation.

    This was all in the first two minute introduction. The problem is that it is a three hour video. Who has time to watch a three hour video. But it was a very intriguing topic – I recommend watching the first few minutes at least. I may try to whittle away at it throughout the day.

  7. If you believe nothing else, you have to ask yourself why Dominion got out of dodge, the employees scrubbed their links from their personal pages online and why didn’t Dominion show up at the PA house hearing yesterday?

    Some of the Dominion clowns have to be wondering if they’re going to end up left holding the bag for all of this.
    I say those clowns better start honking their horns before that happens.

  8. I think this is the kind of investigation that had to start months ago when someone caught wind of the plot (I think someone in the DNC got a conscience and dropped the dime) and let the White House in on it, OR Trump is showing that 4D chess is for kids and is now playing 5D chess and it’s scaring the Deep State shitless because they can only react and wait.
    Biden is not strutting as much publicly as I thought he would be at this point…..his protestations about his being denied what’s “rightfully” his as the President Erect (as the say in Beijing) are very subdued; perhaps he remembers that is pronouncement about election fraud was a Freudian slip!

  9. Don’t know if these links will be the right ones (this is where I miss the edit feature), but I’ll give it a shot.

    MJA – here is a tweet about them deleting their profiles from LinkedIn

    after another person did a deep dive to possibly identify which one wrote the DVS scorecard program.

    What the hell, let’s dive deeper into the Serbian connection

  10. Why you left out:

    “December 8 or 14 are the next key deadlines. Powell will need her MOABs to drop before then – at least 2 weeks beforehand.”

    Why, I tell you. Why.


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