What The Elites Think We Deserve – IOTW Report

What The Elites Think We Deserve

One book I absolutely treasure is John Hayward (aka Doc Zero) “Doctor Zero: Year One.” This collection of essays defines and contrast conservative principles against the ravages of creeping socialism that the nation experienced during Obama’s first term.

Recently, Hayward prognosticated what will be left to us of freedom and independence after our elite overlords finally decide what scraps we should be allowed. It’s chilling reading, but important we all understand how much has already been lost and what little we will have left to us if they are allowed to lord it over us. Here

More on the “Great Reset” Here

12 Comments on What The Elites Think We Deserve

  1. Start with disbanding the private FED and form the National Bank of The United States with it’s own currency tied to precious metals and possibly other units, plus gold, silver, platinum and possibly other metal coinage.

    I’ll wait for it – in the grave.

  2. When a bunch of arrogant people full of hubris tell you they want a “great reset”, it’s pretty obvious what they mean. They are no longer amused that We The People are their masters. But they are ignorant and obsessed with power and wealth and don’t understand what will happen.

  3. The founding fathers gave us the greatest reset ever! That’s why so many people want the American Dream. puffed up eliteist with their dream of a one world order for them to overlord is just a dream!

  4. 20th Century history is, in part, captured in endless photos and films showing the murderous horrors of Socilaism and Communism. Look at them. They have all the answers of
    “what they want for us” locked in the time frozen screams.

  5. 20th Century history is, in part, captured in endless photos and films showing the murderous horrors of Socilaism and Communism. Look at them. They have all the answers of “what they want for us” locked in the time frozen screams.

  6. Now say hello to the New Communism of the 21st Century and the Irony Curtain of the Shameless, Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media who tell you they are giving you the “news” when they’re actually working overtime to lie their asses off to pump propaganda smoke up yer ass!


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