What the Birds See – IOTW Report

What the Birds See

12 Comments on What the Birds See

  1. Beautiful.

    Phil and I used to photograph abandoned houses and this one place we found, a not so old small cinderblock house had a huge moso bamboo patch in the back yard. Huge as in a few acres.

    It was stunning. Moso is that bamboo big enough to make buckets out of. And very tall, 50 to 60 feet and more.

    You walk into the bamboo and all the sounds of the world ceased except the wind.

    The reason I bring it up is because I went to search for the property to purchase it. And I had to find it on google earth. I found it because of the moso bamboo. It’s a green like no other, and it’s green year around.

    I never did find out who owned the place.

  2. Most people don’t know that the entire American corn crop in one season generates more oxygen than the Amazon forest does in an equal amount of days.
    (That’s a non-liberal, non-tree hugger SCIENCE FACT)


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