David Dinkins Deceased – IOTW Report

David Dinkins Deceased

USA News

David Dinkins, who was elected New York City’s first black mayor in 1989 and famously referred to the nation’s largest metropolis as a “gorgeous mosaic,” died Monday night at his home, sources told The Post.

He was 93 years old.

Dinkins — who defeated three-term incumbent Ed Koch in the 1989 Democratic primary — beat Republican Rudy Giuliani that year to become the city’s 106th mayor.

He would serve one-term until 1993, when he narrowly lost his re-election bid in a re-match against his GOP foe. More

28 Comments on David Dinkins Deceased

  1. …no need to speak ill of the dead.

    The facts of his term do that nicely for him.

    And certainly make the case against Affirmative Action hires in Government.

    But anyway, someone loves him, and God loved him, at least at one time, but who knows about where his heart was when he died.

    Anyway, RIP, guy who didn’t know how to run a City and made things worse but not as bad as some later guys like the one NOW is, I guess, and God bless and comfort those who legitimately mourn him today, maybe some of THEM will miss him and don’t deserve a bunch of useless hate thrown at a corpse who can’t feel it…

    …but God can do the OPPOSITE of blessing them who PRETEND to mourn him as a political football that they will, once again, use as they hide behind yet another colored corpse to throw rocks at the President so he can’t throw any BACK…

    …can’t WAIT to see the HUGE number of unmasked Democrats who gather in close proximity in a “church” and pretend to be sad and Christian while all the while violating their own cherished quarentine, social distancing, crowd number, and mask illegal executive orders, as they violate NY “manditory” two week quarentines when they go to the funeral AND DC two week “manditory” quarentines when they return, you watch, that’s just what the hypocrites will DO since THEY know that COVID is nothing more than peasant control…


  2. Shouldn’t the post title read, David Dinkins Dead.

    It did originally, but we always try to give the classy send off, even if the best they can say about you is that you were the first black mayor of NYC. – Dr. Tar

  3. m.
    NOVEMBER 24, 2020 AT 10:41 AM
    “tell someone who gives a shit”

    …well, Satan is always interested when his minions come back, so maybe him….he’s like Motel 6 leaving the light on for ’em.

    Its a reddish, flickering light shading towards white-hot, true, but a light nonetheless and the one that probably welcomed DD to his eternal abode…

  4. SNS,
    I found your phrase here, sublime:
    “God bless and comfort those who legitimately mourn him today, maybe some of them will miss him and don’t deserve a bunch of USELESS HATE THROWN AT A CORPSE who can’t feel it…”

  5. …I’m not hating 9n him, Anon.

    Just noting his lifetime achievements and the rewards such are scheduled to bring.

    He’s not worth bothering to hate.

    But the folks sure to capitalize on his death certainly are…

  6. @SNS,
    I’m following what you’ve said, I just thought that concept of throwing hate at a dead body was a deep thought.

    Redirecting the hate where appropriate I have no problem with.
    This year, I’ve resolved to not hate anyone. I detest deeds. I despise stupidity. I even hate myself, particularly mistakes I’ve allowed myself to make. But I’ve drawn a hard line at hating individuals.

    But as the Lord advised, judge people by what they do. And I pray that he distances me from bad actors. The judgement of those people is His.
    Serenity now. lol


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