Believe The Science, Democrats – IOTW Report

Believe The Science, Democrats

Scientist, engineer, politician, entrepreneur, and four-time Massachusetts Institute of Technology degree holder Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai delved deep into Arizona’s 2020 presidential election vote tabulation data during the state’s election integrity hearing on Monday.

Dr. Ayyadurai revealed that pattern recognition software that tried to replicate the curve of Joe Biden’s reported vote total could only match the reported results if votes for Biden were counted at a 130% rate – in other words, every Democrat ballot counting for 1.3 votes to Trump’s 1.0. More

20 Comments on Believe The Science, Democrats

  1. They mean the ‘science’ that says a man can be a woman, a dirty cloth on your face, closed businesses and curfews stop viruses, and the world is ending in x years due to global warning which isn’t happening so let’s settle on man made climate change.

  2. I.m holding out. Waiting for discovery of Foreign interference with
    all the computers.Swiss Frankfurt China Iran seem to have some sort of hand in on it. It can be proven so null an void. Everything go’s to the
    States one vote an Done. They can not keep us locked down while they chase who knows how many scumbags.Enough already.

  3. I saw an article somewhere today that said Ellen Page is now Elliott Page – from gay to trans. Whoa, talk about someone dicked up in the head. (I’m not even sure who this person is/was but the pic was ugly.)

  4. @LeftCoastDan I swear the Lefty memo has gone out or something but 9 outta 10 of my Lib friends have changed their profile pics on all major social media sites to a mask wearing selfie.

    This shows they care more. 💕🤷‍♀️

  5. I apologize for my suggestion about the bumper sticker.

    DISENFRANCHISED is a 15 letter word that kollege kids are incapable of understanding.

    I forget that kollege graduates hold a worthless piece of paper that they cannot read.

    My bad.

  6. Always question the science. If it’s proven wrong, rethink the theory. Real science works. Consensus science requires belief which makes it a sort of pseudo-pagan religion.

  7. I remember she threw an absolute fit the day she came out as ghey and was pissed no one cared. Then she started throwing herself at politics and I guess that didn’t get anywhere so she went and changed her sex. lolol

  8. @geoff. Perchance. As if to dream.

    Speaking of which. Mrs PHenry requested a pillow topper from the my pillow guy. Fantastic. Really nice. Pillows are great. The Geezer sheets are scheduled to arrive Thursday. Oh. I meant Giza sheets.

    There are many reasons to buy stuff from Mike Lindell. Trump guy, supporter of kid under assault by BLM thugs that kid shot in self defense(sorry can’t remember name). but his products are very good just by the way
    In case you were wondering.

  9. Just spit-balling here, Amelie, but it might make better sense if you asked someone who actually spoke English to help you write your spam. Those Shitholia-to-English translation tools on the internet don’t really work so well….

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