San Diego Schools Instruct Their Teachers About Their “White Privilege” – IOTW Report

San Diego Schools Instruct Their Teachers About Their “White Privilege”


San Diego Unified School District is forcing teachers to attend “white privilege” training, in which teachers are told “you are racist” and “you are upholding racist ideas, structures, and policies.”

The training begins with a “land acknowledgement,” in which the teachers are asked to accept that they are colonizers living on stolen Native American land. Then they are told they will experience “guilt, anger, apathy, [and] closed-mindedness” because of their “white fragility.”

After watching clips of Robin DiAngelo and Ibram Kendi, the trainers tell the teachers: “you are racist,” “you are upholding racist ideas, structures, and policies,” and that they must commit to becoming “antiracist” in the classroom. They must submit to the new racial orthodoxy. More

16 Comments on San Diego Schools Instruct Their Teachers About Their “White Privilege”

  1. My very good friend is a teacher in Toronto & on suspension because he refused to go to workshops about white priv. & BLM.

    This shit is real and extremely harmful to REAL education.

    He teaches kids in economically disadvantaged & immigrant kids to become tradesmen. The parents & students love him and are constantly reaching out to him but bureaucrats are bureaucrats.

  2. Tell those school administrators to copulate themselves with this “white privilege equine fecal” teaching matter. Maybe going to the dictionary will “educate them into the truth!” What a crock of absurd stupidity this is! God help us flea it!

  3. When gov’t skools are at this point there is nothing else to do but stop sending your children to them and a find another way. I don’t think this is only happening in CA. And even if it was, it will soon be mandated across the country. And if it is your children, their children, and your great grandchildren will all start sounding like Cynthia A. Johnson.

    Why aren’t these white teachers suing over this? This seems like an easy win in the courts.

    To wit (as our friend Joe Dan likes to say):

    “Former Department of Education attorney Hans Bader says you don’t have to sit there and be racial quarry merely because you’re the wrong hue. And if someone insists you do, you have a legal remedy:

    If [the Pacific Educational Group’s Glenn] Singleton inflicts his racist insults on a captive audience of teachers at a training seminar, they may well have a Section 1981 or Section 1983 claim against him for racial harassment. As cases such as Markham v. White (1999) and Ascolese v. SEPTA (1996) show, the amount of repeated abuse required for a hostile training environment claim by a public employee is much lower than for a hostile work environment claim, where isolated racist remarks are not actionable.

    Moreover, he may be subject to individual liability for aiding and abetting discrimination under 42 U.S.C. 1981. Contrary to Singleton’s racist belief, racism is not a white monopoly, as the federal appeals courts have recognized in holding institutions liable for harassing or mistreating their white employees. See, e.g., Bowen v. Missouri Department of Social Services (2002) (racial harassment of white employee by black co-worker); Taxman v. Board of Education (1996) (school board liable for termination of white teacher).

    Arlington County and Singleton should keep in mind that “diversity” training seminars that denigrate people based on their race or gender can give rise to successful harassment lawsuits, such as Hartman v. Pena (1995), which allowed a white male to sue for sexual harassment over an insulting gender-awareness seminar, and Robinson v. Reed (1978), which allowed a woman to sue for invasive questions in a race-relations seminar.”

    Excerpt from: “Forced to attend a ‘white privilege’ workshop? Here’s an option”

  4. Diversity is not diverse if you’re of the wrong color or political world view. Whatever happened to real diversity where everyone was free to have their own opinion and everyone got along without being told by gubmint and media and academic scolds that they must obey the party line or else.

  5. Diversity is not diverse if you’re of the wrong color or political world view. Whatever happened to real diversity where everyone was free to have their own opinion and everyone got along without being told by gubmint and media and academic scolds that they must obey the party line or else.

  6. If all of them are on “colonized land” then tear down the schools…and the houses of the school admin and those giving the propaganda.

  7. They want you to be a racist because of your skin color? That means they are encouraging you to embrace the idea and be one. If that’s what they demand, accomodate them.
    Hate street has two lanes. They dragged you into their lane

  8. geoff the aardvark and others (especially you white men):

    DON’T fall for their trap! They want white people to try to argue against their phony-baloney “critical race theory” by giving examples of whites raised in the projects and living working/lower middle class lives. That’s not the point or what is at issue. I don’t care if you were a trust fund baby who never had to work a day in your life, and neither should the Constitution. If you or any of your forebears did nothing illegal to acquire a comfortable — or even an extravagant — existence, that’s your business and no one elses. The color of your skin has zero to do with whether or not you “deserve” to be treated equally and protected equally under the law. Period. If God and nature gave you the means to learn and you applied any effort to do so, you “deserve” to be more successful than someone who did nothing to better their lot. I don’t see white people crying foul when an immigrant family from Vietnam — with no english language skills, no money, no homes, no cars, no nothing — can amass a vault of riches, education, professional credentials and happiness for themselves in a single generation through hard work, personal sacrifice, perseverence and faith in their pursuit.

    The Cynthia A. Johnsons of the “black community” carry more of the blame for her community’s tragic failures than any white person on the planet.


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