never forget… – IOTW Report

never forget…

ht/ f.w. dame

26 Comments on never forget…

  1. We remember Obama stating it was impossible to have a better economy than his economy, Trump needed a magic wand.

    We remember the lockdowns used to destroy Trump’s “magic wand” economy.

    More recently, we remember Biden suggesting an America First strategy is an America alone strategy. FUCK YOU JOE.

    We remember what it’s like to lead from behind. It SUCKS.

  2. Well done
    But I would put ‘fact checking’ in quotes and I would add that the media has actually lied constantly and consistently for the last 12 months by censoring all news that hurts their agenda while spouting their opinions as facts and never admitting all the times their opinions were stupidly wrong.

    Russia Russia Russia. and Shampeachment should have cost the main news vendors their broadcast licenses, or at least huge fines plus a mandatory Correction to the public.

  3. We remember the calls for reeducation camps to fix the broken minds of Trump supporters. Last week.

    We remember the bombing of a Trump supporters house. A couple of days ago

    In about an hour, I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to remember some new example of leftist hatred and violence happening as I type this.

  4. How about the more than 2,000 Police and Marshals that have been wounded in the “Peaceful Riots”. How many have killed? That number seems to be unavailable.
    All for a few more dead criminals.

  5. @ geoff the aardvark DECEMBER 8, 2020 AT 12:59 PM

    That hatred for God and others stems from self hatred.

    Self hatred that is well deserved if anything is, I might add. I have no sympathy for them, pity is the best I have to offer.

  6. JDHasty, if you will allow,
    consider that their hatred for God includes a basic ingratitude for anything (including sweet life itself), thus
    they hate others and hate themselves as well.

    They’ve earned their misery by being so miserable.

  7. I would hate to live without God’s grace and mercy abiding in me every day. My life and all our lives are miracles of God’s creation, without him I would be lost forever and not even know if I would still be alive after nearly 68 years. God showed me a hole in my heart when I was 21 and screwed up when I was drinking and carousing with hookers in the Philippines when we were in Olongapo City for liberty call. That hole could only be filled by his presence living in my life and has kept me from hating myself which I was on the road to at the time. I have known far too many people who let their lives become obsessed with self hatred for the wrong that they’ve done and tried to figure things out on their own and have for the most part failed or committed suicide. The song Hurt Johnny Cash, a cover of a Nine Inch Nails song sums it up best for me and I consider it to be one of his best songs near the end of his life, if we allow the hurts to overtake our lives and wallow in self pity and self hatred without filling that empty hole in our lives with his blessed presence.

  8. We remember all the social media cancellations, deletions, and “fact checking”, all in one direction, pro Regressive DildoCrats, and anti conservatives.

  9. Geoff,
    Thank you for writing that. We have similar pasts & I also praise God daily for the mercy, grace, & forgiveness he has so abundantly bestowed upon me. There is nothing from this world that compares to this, & it’s a peace that is eternal

  10. OHI DAN
    I was just south of DMZ when she was there. did no know it then. Had I known i’d gone AWOL crossed over, found that Commie’s girl an killed her!


    \I found out after I returned. Many months too late!

  11. It makes absolutely no sense to me when they yell that Trump is a dictator. Where do they get that? Trump is not the one shutting down churches and restaurants. He’s not demanding that people lock
    themselves up in their homes. Those are state governors being dictators, as far as I can tell.

    At his worst, Trump’s a blowhard. At his best, he wants to save America from globalists and socialists and will keep fighting to do it.


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