Wow – Michigan Rep Threatens “Trumpers” – IOTW Report

Wow – Michigan Rep Threatens “Trumpers”

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Marine repsonds.

ht/ woody

51 Comments on Wow – Michigan Rep Threatens “Trumpers”

  1. Typical leftist elected official. Aren’t there a lot of deer hunters in Michigan? I’d be more concerned with all the scoped high caliber rifles than the AR’s they bitch about. If they set this off they won’t be able to go outside.

  2. An Agent of the State, who wields the power of government-office, issuing a threat. A “person of color” no less who, on the other hand, will forever remind us of the historic abuses upon “her people” by those wielding the power of office.

    You go on ahead, girl. You have no fucking idea.

  3. He doesn’t scare me at all. I am sure he and his boyfriend have never held a gun in it’s life. He will be the first running back to whatever creature birthed him in the first place.

  4. The marine’s got it right.

    There are generations of us vets out here who are your “Trumpers”. After what many of us have seen and done do you think we’re afraid of your hood ‘rats, dike bitches, and dildo-waving girly men? LOLOL

    We’ll come for their “leaders” like you after we wipe the streets with them. Think the state police or your security guys can/will protect you? Roll the dice sweetheart.

  5. “It” can go straight to the demon pit she came from.
    You can always tell when these puke-stains are feeling threatened by something; their vitriolic hatred becomes more intense.

  6. When the shit hits the fan, it’s important to remember and realize the very important roll the media played in this revolution. And it will be a revolution. However for us, not them. China, our media, our Liberal Political class, are all on the menu.

  7. The above is evidence they are in panic mode regarding the public finding out before they can install President Defect Biden and his surrogate in the White House and fight from a position of increased power. The proper response is to invoke the Insurrection Act, this act alone is justification.

  8. Cut off this butt fugly racist commie’s “army’s” EBT cards and they’ll turn on each other within 48 hours. Sit back and watch them burn themselves out of house and home.

  9. What a nasty little vermin.

    Her(?) attitude during the hearings made it an instant hero to the left and an instant object of derision to the right.

    The lowest form of life on this planet is far and above the intelligence of this thing.


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