The control over dining has to do with the goal of trying to keep people at home, not a comment on the relative safety – Ca HHS secretary admits to this – IOTW Report

The control over dining has to do with the goal of trying to keep people at home, not a comment on the relative safety – Ca HHS secretary admits to this

Red State-

“As it relates to the question about indoor dining or outdoor dining, I think one thing that I have tried to message and emphasize is that right now we’re seeing such high levels of transmission that…every activity that can be done differently and keep us at our homes, not mixing with others, is safer. Those are going to be the tools that help us get this under control.

“So the decision to include, among other sectors, outdoor dining, and limiting that, turning to restaurants to deliver and provide takeout options instead, really has to do with the goal of trying to keep people at home, not a comment on the relative safety of outdoor dining.


15 Comments on The control over dining has to do with the goal of trying to keep people at home, not a comment on the relative safety – Ca HHS secretary admits to this

  1. …no part of this has ever NOT been a lie…yet here we are, still wearing quasi-medical fetishes obscuring our most human features to symbolize our fealty and cowering in our holes to comply with edicts that aren’t even lawful from people we KNOW only want to destroy us…

  2. It is truly despicable how evil these people are, they prove by their lies who they are, the spawn of Satan, who has lied since the beginning of the world. The fate of such deception for them will be eternal separation from the Truth, when they cast into the lake of fire by the righteous and just God of heaven and earth!

  3. The entire thing is about social isolation and alienation so people won’t feel a sense of community in public, communicate freely with one another, and be more easily shaped to the elite view of what our future society and culture should look like.

  4. Just like “gun control”, it’s all about the “control”, not about the guns.
    Ditto for this Covid safety control. It’s all about the “control”, not about Covid or safety.

  5. So when are we going to defy them by getting together as Americans and give them their overdue F U ???

    A big celebration when President Trump is vindicated with reelection would be apropos.
    Followed by months of purging the traitors in governments top to bottom and downsizing that criminal stydicate for good.

  6. All because people won’t open their business and say fuck you.
    What are they going to do? Strip all their licenses? Who will pay their tax?

    I imagine a lot of business have been walked away from. Why pay rent, employees if there’s no reason to be there?

  7. Of course it does – I’
    wager MOST social interactions have to do with getting together with others over a meal drink or snack that no one has to cook or clean up after. One of my favorites, actually.
    The democrats have finally found a way to take the fun out of EVERYTHING – we need to return the favor…somehow.
    I’m open to suggestions!

  8. There should be a mass protest on Christmas.
    Everyone outside, praying.

    And if Antifa shows up, it’ll be a very bad look for them, to the morons who haven’t been paying attention or never wanted to get involved politically

  9. MJA
    I like the idea of a mass Christmas protest. (or should it be a Christmas Mass protest?) Be sure to have a “Rooftop Korean” for fire and cover during the protest.

  10. Ummm….. hello

    The reason for bans on eating out and gathering (other than to attend mostly peaceful riots) is the same reason YouTube has shut down any mention of the coup de ta and newspapers and online news sources began shutting down public/reader comments.

    When people gather or dine out they converse on what is going on. What is going on is the Deep State, the Democrat Party, the media, Big Tech etc are trying to steal the 2020 Presidential election. Even people I know who voted for Biden and have voted a straight Democrat ticket all of their adult life admit as much.


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