Dad – IOTW Report


h/t Geoff C. The Saltine

21 Comments on Dad

  1. That’s good stuff right there. My Dad was a total failure. Never really knew him until my sister and I were older and he could no longer be jailed for non support. I forgave him knowing he was a failed person with alcohol as his best friend. My sister never did. I think he is a big reason I find myself 61 and single. Always afraid I would also fail.

  2. This reminded me of the days and hours I spent with my dad fishing, boating,and traveling. We developed a great relationship and my love for him was deepening as I matured. He died before my sixteenth birthday and I was devastated. I recovered and resumed my life with all the things he taught me, and I have tried to live a life that would make my dad and mom proud of me. I am 80 now and in my heart still think of them with love and everlasting gratitude that they were my folk!

  3. Lost my Dad 7 months ago. He was a good man. My husband learned from his late father, who was a good man also. My son is following in their footsteps. So I’ve had four wonderful men in my life. Thank you God.

  4. With such a wonderful message that the video portrays, I hate to point out the irony of what the real message of Harry Chapin’s song “Cat’s In The Cradle” is about. I’ll assume that it was an intentional counter-balance.

  5. My dad was my first baseball coach. When I moved up a league he didn’t go with me, he said that I needed other experiences, different coaches. Miss ya dad, you gave me the tools for life.

  6. That young boy KNEW his dad NEEDED help. The HAZARDS were blinking!!

    I thought about my father today when I was driving to a job site, but this time as a carpenter and not as an architect. He was not too crazy about my choice about doing that when I did way back when, BEFORE I went to school to become an architect, so he never really got the chance to see my in the now later years…kinda SUCKS.

    So He passed almost 33 years ago. He never got a chance to see my crew. Why am I balling right now??? That is how hard that vid has HIT me…

    Time does NOT heal. There is always a band aid when it comes to this shit…

    There is a song called the Living Years by Mike and the Mechanics. Everyone who posted on THIS thread needs to hear this:

    It slices through me everytime and then there is the great irish tenor John McDermott.

    “I will never forget him for he made me who I am…”

    (and my mom, gone too, but that’s another thread…)

    IF your mom or dad is still around? Call them. Now.

    “You get no second chance to say thanks…”

    Thanks @Geoff C. The Saltine…

  7. @Anon – that may be true…for some I cannot deny that.

    But don’t be an asshole. Okay? This is what is called a FUN thread, a memorative one. A CUTE one.

    And I NEVER really respond to assholes I mean anons…but when it comes to this thread and fathers that actually show up and participate in their childrens lives?

    GO fuck yourself and buzz off too.

    To quote the great Phenry – ‘sorry, just not in the mood’ for shit like yours.


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