Investigative Journalist Blasts Wisconsin’s 2020 Presidential Election – IOTW Report

Investigative Journalist Blasts Wisconsin’s 2020 Presidential Election

There was a joint hearing today in Wisconsin of the State Assembly and Senate. It got off to a fiery start when WISN’s conservative commenter and real journalist, Dan O’Donnell shared stories of nursing home residents casting votes against their will or when obviously too incapacitated to be competent. O’Donnell went on to condemn the “indefinitely confined” provision that was blatantly abused this last November.

This link is to the entire 7 hours plus hearing today. O’Donnell’s testimony starts at the 9:00 minute mark. Watch

A December 7 post of O’Donnell’s story of 84 year-old Miriam who had mentally declined so far that she could only communicate in German. This description of Miriam is in the past tense, since she died in October, yet still managed to vote in November. Here

3 Comments on Investigative Journalist Blasts Wisconsin’s 2020 Presidential Election

  1. MJA
    DECEMBER 11, 2020 AT 8:21 PM
    “OK I love this guy. I gotta follow his work.”

    …better do it quick,the Harris regime will be dealing harshly with dissent very soon.

    ….but you’ll be having problems of your own since examples of your wrongthink abound, so maybe you’ll get to swap stories in the holding pen before your executions…

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