This Week in Dumbness – IOTW Report

This Week in Dumbness

Rich Taylor has suggested an open thread at week’s end where we discuss what we believe is the dumbest thing said or done.

I lke it.

35 Comments on This Week in Dumbness

  1. BFH – “Rich Taylor has suggested an open thread at week’s end where we discuss what we believe is the dumbest thing said or done.

    I lke it.”

    Please bring back the edit function. Heh Heh, just sayin… 😉

  2. The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections.

    — The Supremes, minus Alito and Thomas

  3. For this week I have to throw out my absolute frustration at the various states insisting that their vote tallies are 100% legitimate, and simultaneously doing everything in their power to block access.
    That doesn’t really qualify as dumb though, more like treasonous.

    And Rich’s – saw that too and wow.

  4. It was another weekend of college football, so I am going to go with every referee that says “Prior to the snap, false start” when announcing a false start penalty.

    Would you, Mr. Referee, like to explain to me just how in the world one can false start after the snap?

    I can only assume that they are not very bright, and also voted for Biden.

  5. Going up to DC for these Trump rallies in the age of the organized left wing brown shirt thugocracy in a town that bans firearms from the law abiding….not smart. You see, the left wing thugocracy is armed and immune from prosecution.

  6. The progressive way of thinking of just about everything is the dumbest thing I know.
    Why do some progressive women get pregnant just to have abortions?
    Why don’t all lives matter?
    Why should boys be girls?

  7. According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and last day of the week. Although this is the international standard, several countries, including the United States and Canada, consider Sunday as the start of the week.

  8. This one has GOT to go to 0bama thinking that Rush and others ruined his relationship with conservatives.

    He in addition to the dumbass blue ribbon, a trophy, a REAL trophy, for the ‘are you fa fucking real?’ category as well…

    I’ll try to come up with some MORE of the doozies…

  9. aleon – “…Although this is the international standard, several countries, including the United States and Canada, consider Sunday as the start of the week…”

    Precisely why we don’t want to be subjected to International/Globalist rule(s).

    “On the seventh day God ended his work…and He rested…

    That would be Saturday, the end of the week. On a continuum basis, Sunday is the at the other end of the week – thus, Saturday and Sunday are the weekend(s).

  10. State senator C.A. Johnson (Cynthia) telling the media that Biden/Harris “owe” her and Detroit for what she did for them and for “putting my life on the line” for them. She was admitting her efforts at queering the election in Detroit.

    I’d like to ask her (under oath) what she meant by that.

    Dumb? Yes. Arrogance based on her perception of total immunity? Absolutely.

  11. Can someone tell me why NFL coaches have to wear masks on the sideline when the 22 players on the field are getting up close and physical without one? Don’t they all get tested at the same time? Seems pretty dumb to me.

  12. My dumbass weathervane is spinning wildly as if a dumbass tornado has hit town. Hell. I live in Virginia.
    It doesn’t get more stupid than here.

    In Virginia a governor cannot run for consecutive terms, but Terry Mc awful is hop scotching to his next term. Dumbass state Senator Amanda chase, a person who is not familiar with the use of deodorant, by the way, doesn’t like the manner by which the Republican Party will select its gubernatorial candidate has already said she will run as a third party candidate.

    I pick Amanda “don’t you know who I am?” Chase as retard of the week.

  13. My wife made gingerbread men and I decorated them.

    With lil’ Hitler mustaches and hair.

    WOW!!!! Easily the stupidest thing I’ve done all day. Yes….it’s funny as hell, they look great…..but the Mrs. is super pissed because she doesn’t want to mail out Fuhrer cookies to her relatives.

  14. @Seaoh

    That is indeed amazingly stupid what that mayor said:
    Dennis McBride says the Mayfair Mall mass shooting wouldn’t have happened if the shooter had “complied” with the mall’s “strict no-gun policy.

    Here’s what we should have expected from the mass Mayfair Mall shooter, undoubtably a Minnesota/Wisconsin bumpkin:

    “Uh-yuhh, that there sign says not to bring no guns into the mall. Well, I got my guns with me and I was figurin’ on goin into that mall and given’ some a them astupid fukers an assfull a’ buckshot and some bullits right into their stupid fukin’ heads. But now that there sign say I can’t do that. Shee-it, now I’ll hafta go home…fukin’ mall”.

  15. Club members: “WHY WEREN’T YOU AT CHURCH TONITE?!?!?

    Me: “got in Dutch with the Mrs. had to take kidz out for pizza.”

    Club: “what did ya’ do?”

    Me: “Made Hitler cookies.”



    Club: “well OK then, we’ll see ya next week.”


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