Smug Seattle councilwoman who cut police budget called 911 to protect her from crime she wants to decriminalize – IOTW Report

Smug Seattle councilwoman who cut police budget called 911 to protect her from crime she wants to decriminalize


Lisa Herbold phoned authorities on Friday after a man reportedly threw a rock through her living room window, My Northwest reported. The councilwoman said “she was on the west side of the living room near the kitchen when she heard a loud noise that sounded like a gunshot and dove into the kitchen for cover,” according to a redacted police report obtained by the publication.

A neighbor told police that a person who is “unathletic and a bad runner” was seen leaving the area.

Moreover, the witness told officers that he would recognize the suspect if he saw him again, but declined an officer’s business card to contact him for follow up, according to the report.

The irony is that under a proposal introduced by Herbold, the suspect could avoid criminal charges if caught. Under the legislation, charges against most misdemeanor suspects could be dismissed if they can show symptoms of mental illness or addiction or if they can prove the crime provided for a need to survive, a so-called “poverty defense,” the news organization reported.


24 Comments on Smug Seattle councilwoman who cut police budget called 911 to protect her from crime she wants to decriminalize

  1. “…or if they can prove the crime provided for a need to survive, a so-called “poverty defense”…”

    …setting aside that this “unathletic” person who threw it was probably said to be so because their profile was reminiscent of late career Elvis, we have the ABSOLUTE fattest poor people in the ENTIRE WORLD.

    …I mean really, the large cal with the steaks and wine and EBT card for her cart groaning with food I related the other day wasn’t symbolic, it was ACTUAL impoverished corpulence on full display, and is replicated in grocery stores throughout this Nation.

    She is NOT an anomaly. She IS American poverty.

    …so unless you stretch the definition of a “need to survive” being a “sexual emergency” for a Muslim rapist or a Black person that “needs” to kill a Whitey to protect their ” mental health” (both things I wouldn’t put past liberals), this is complete balderdash.

    If you’re poor in Trumps America and hungry, you simply are not trying.

    …now if they swing the steal and the nation goes full Communist, all the food will be gone and we’ll ALL be committing “need to survive” crimes, mostly against each other, but that’s a different problem and a different subject for another day…

    …BTW, its also another case of a liberal finding out “It stops being funny when it starts being YOU”. She was ALL FOR glass being broken as long it it was Krystallnscht for OTHER people, but not for her OWN precious self…

    …too bad it didn’t hit her, is all I’m saying. Well, hopefully he’ll be back. She created that monster, its only RIGHT that it comes home to her because it needs its mommy…

  2. …I notice they don’t tell us the color of the alleged rock thrower and waddled awayer, even though that’s kind of an easily visible sort of thing that could narrow it down just a LITTLE for the cops…I wonder why THAT might be…

  3. When she called the police their response should have been, “so, do you want us to file a report?”

    That became the response from city police if you reported your car stolen back east. Before I relocated.

  4. How do we know he actually threw the rock? I mean, a fat dude trying to jog during a pandemic and get back in shape while social distancing, looses his footing and slides… I could see some debris getting kicked up and thrown!


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