Q:”Do You See What I See?” A:”You Mean The Great Conjunction? Yeah, I See It.” – IOTW Report

Q:”Do You See What I See?” A:”You Mean The Great Conjunction? Yeah, I See It.”


We are now closing in on the long-awaited night of Dec. 21, when Jupiter and Saturn will engage in their “great conjunction.” 

We call it a “great” conjunction because to ancient skywatchers, these were the two slowest moving planets in the sky. Jupiter takes nearly 12 years to describe a full circle in the heavens, spending a year visiting each zodiacal sign in the sky, while Saturn takes 29.5 years to make one full trip around the sun. Because of their respective slow movement, a conjunction or — to the ancients — a “celestial summit meeting,” was rather unusual. Such get-togethers happen, in most cases, about every 20 years on average. 

So, when Jupiter and Saturn got together it was simply a conjunction, but a “great” conjunction! More

20 Comments on Q:”Do You See What I See?” A:”You Mean The Great Conjunction? Yeah, I See It.”

  1. When I saw Saturn for the first time through a telescope, I was surprised the rings were vertical.

    I think any publication should show the actual orientation. Not some artistic interpretation. It just made me think that much if science p
    resentation is manipulated.

  2. “…As stars with trains of fire and dews of blood,
    Disasters in the sun, and the moist star
    Upon whose influence Neptune’s empire stands
    Was sick almost to doomsday with eclipse.
    And even the like precurse of feared events,
    As harbingers preceding still the fates
    And prologue to the omen coming on,
    Have heaven and earth together demonstrated
    Unto our climatures and countrymen.”
    -Shakespeare, “Hamlet”, Act 1, Scene 1

  3. “”When beggars die there are no comets seen;
    The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes.”
    -Shakespeare, “Julia Caesar”, Act 2, scene 2.

  4. I don’t see this celestial conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter as a coincidence but as a divine sign from God that he is still in charge in this most messed up of years. I’m praying that I’ll be able to see it tomorrow night and later this week in the SW sky. Like the late Jack Horkheimer used to say Happy stargazing.

  5. Wrong post, this comment should’ve been on the top post about the pedophile and the 12 year old girl. How the heck did my comment end up way down here. Someone’s screwing with our comments trying to make us look like idiots who don’t know what we’re doing. Make them go away!

  6. Saw it tonight. We had clear skies. A big light and a smaller one next to it.

    Hey, I lit up a number and started groovin’ with the whole freakin’ scene. Dig it? There has got to be some folks up there lookin’ down at us the same time we are lookin’ up at them. When they come down here I’m gonna ask them to take me to Venus, Mars, wherever, man. I gotta get outta this place…it’s breakin’ my mind, man.

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