2020: The Year of the Big Fraud – IOTW Report

2020: The Year of the Big Fraud

According to the Chinese Zodiac, this is the year of the rat.

Given the numerous ways the institutions we rely on to support our republic have so infamously failed us, this piece from American Thinker hits closer to the truth; this was the “Year of Big Fraud” Here

8 Comments on 2020: The Year of the Big Fraud

  1. “If that fucking bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!” ~ Hllary Rodham-Clinton, 2016

    We’re waiting.

    (This would be the only tattoo I would have on my body, if it comes to pass.)

  2. Lots of treasonous Americans are making lots of Chicomm money. Lots of it, from democrat to republican (mcconnell and his wife are raking it in).

    Trump had to start a new party: it’ll be a smash hit on day one, and the GOP will be left with a 4 people in its base.

  3. I read this morning that Pelosi and Schumer(say, who’s the majority leader in the Senate again?) are moving ahead with a $2.4 TRILLION chinese flu/state bailout package.

    Every fucking nickel of it is fairy dust money. Conjured out of thin air. So great when both parties are in complete agreement on how to divvy up the loot, messy budgets are so yesterday, better to have a big pot of cash to dole out as our Overlords see fit.

    Huge payoffs to blue states, teacher’s unions…the usual.

    Destroy 1,000s of small businesses and send us $600. Thanks.

    Debase our money, our elections, our traditions and institutions. The most dangerous creation of any society are people with nothing to lose.

    The evil, it’s appalling. You can cut it with a knife it’s so thick, it’s laying over our country like a miasma.

  4. The world, not just our country, lacks real manly men and strong women.
    Pres. Trump is one of the few in a position of power and he exposed the spineless rats of the swamp.

    Now we need some to find find their spines in Congress and kick Harris/ Biden/ Obama to the curb.

  5. The evil, it’s appalling. You can cut it with a knife it’s so thick, it’s laying over our country like a miasma.

    MMinAR – 2021 is the year to invest in Poop Knives!!


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