Asking Blacks to Go First With Covid Vaccination is Indeed Racist… Against Blacks – IOTW Report

Asking Blacks to Go First With Covid Vaccination is Indeed Racist… Against Blacks

I’m reading stories about white people being outraged because they’re being discriminated against because they are being put at the back of the Covid-19 vaccination line.


A vaccination that has been rushed through production, is novel, and hasn’t gone through normal clinical trials, and people are complaining that they aren’t getting it first?

I think the real discrimination is putting blacks at the front of the line.

Tuskegee anyone?

25 Comments on Asking Blacks to Go First With Covid Vaccination is Indeed Racist… Against Blacks

  1. Asking blacks to go first is racist.

    Not giving it to blacks first is racist.

    Liking black music is racist.

    Not liking black music is racist.

    Segregating blacks is racist.

    Not segregating blacks is racist.

    Get the idea?

  2. Radio:

    You left out that moving out of a black neighborhood is “white flight”.

    Moving into a black neighborhood is “gentrification”.

    And calling the police when they break into your home “comes from a place of privilege” that you must resist.

  3. A fragment of mRNA mixed with PEG injected into human muscle. It has never been tested for long term safety. I know that Fauci’s nose keeps getting longer and longer. But in a few years, his dick may fall off.

  4. They made it a big deal that Pence got the vaccine.
    When Pelosi and Fauci should have been at the front of the line. Also Clintons, Oblowme,de Blasio, Cuomo, Whitmer, all of MSM,……….
    You know what I mean.

  5. Blacks don’t trust the white school system,
    the white economy,
    white laws,
    white politicians,
    white societal norms,
    hell, it’s racist when white snow falls.
    All their problems are caused by the white man.

    Why would they trust a white man’s vaccine?

  6. It’s okay, the CDC says it’s okay to discriminate on prioritizing the vaccine according to their website:

    Under the heading:
    Recommendation B3: Subprioritization by attributes of individual health care workers

    You will find this sub-bullet:
    Other attributes supported by evidence, including but not limited to underlying medical conditions, race, and ethnicity

    In other words, you can use the above racist criteria to prioritize COVID-19 vaccinations in California.

  7. I call bullsh**. I recognized right away that plan is nothing more than attempted REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY. Quite a sophomoric attempt, I might add.

    Be my guest, you first. Really. I insist. Moo!!

  8. My name might be Old Racist White Woman, but I’m not racist, actually I’m a pretty nice old lady and for that reason I’m going to give my vaccine to anyone of any color, you’re welcome.


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