DOJ Alleges Walmart Fueled Opioid Epidemic By Filling Illegitimate Prescriptions Regularly – IOTW Report

DOJ Alleges Walmart Fueled Opioid Epidemic By Filling Illegitimate Prescriptions Regularly

Daily Caller: The Department of Justice sued Walmart Tuesday alleging that the big-box retailer fueled the U.S. opioid epidemic by knowingly filling illegitimate prescriptions and with price-cutting techniques.

Walmart transformed its 5,000 in-store pharmacies into a leading network of opioid suppliers, the Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit alleged, according to a press release. In addition, Walmart allegedly didn’t heed warnings from its pharmacists that there was an insufficient screening process for questionable prescriptions.

“As one of the largest pharmacy chains and wholesale drug distributors in the country, Walmart had the responsibility and the means to help prevent the diversion of prescription opioids,” said Jeffrey Bossert Clark, acting assistant attorney general of the DOJ’s Civil Division. “Instead, for years, it did the opposite.” more

18 Comments on DOJ Alleges Walmart Fueled Opioid Epidemic By Filling Illegitimate Prescriptions Regularly

  1. Shouldn’t it be the doctors that write the prescriptions that are held responsible for making sure they are legitimate instead of the pharmacists that fill them since the job of a pharmacist is to fill the prescriptions written by the doctors who are licensed to practice madicine?

  2. I’m old. I’m active. Shit hurts and I like my Norco. If your to stupid to use it responsibly why does the government punish me. It takes an act of God to get that stuff here lately.

  3. …sure, let Communist steal an election in plain sight but go after some pharmacist for darig to fill someone’s back pain prescription instead since its lower risk, doesn’t interfere with Democrats taking over the world, and drives traffic to Democrat heroin dealers because pain make you crazy, sounds like its about Bill Barr’s speed..

  4. I’ve always strongly disapproved of the govt’s practice of shanghaiing businesses and employers to become unpaid law enforcers without compensation and, worse, without the qualified immunity that shields official enforcers (the ones with costumes and macho jewelry). This specifically includes holding hiring companies civilly (and sometimes criminally) liable for hiring illegal aliens. If it’s anybody’s job, it’s the govt’s job to enforce laws, not that there are far too many terrible laws on the books.

    Walmart allegedly didn’t heed warnings from its pharmacists that there was an insufficient screening process for questionable prescriptions.

    I’d like to know just what makes a prescription handed to a retail pharmacy clerk “questionable”. Plus, if it IS a bad scrip, turning the drug-seeker down is likely to cause a really ugly and quite possibly violent confrontation in the store.

  5. Uncle Al

    I think the federal government, in all their wisdom, has made the pharmacies responsible for keeping track of at what frequency you’re refilling your prescriptions of pain killers. I was a couple days early for some standard I had no idea existed once and it was the pharmacy that declined the refill, not the doc.. Waited two days, resubmitted and it was refilled.

  6. So the DOJ will slap a huge fine on Walmart. Walmart will pay the fine to the US government with profits from the sale of opioids. And the money laundering will be complete. Big Pharma, Walmart and the government all get paid. What a racket.

  7. I couldn’t get a non-RX box of sudafed last year because their system was always ‘down’. [sudafed PE is hot garbage and I get headaches from it.]
    But, apparently, I was asking for the wrong drug, huh?

  8. There was a report of this one chinese doc in CA that was writing scripts for opiods no matter what complaint the ‘patient’ came in with.
    She got busted and after a while I think she got deported. It was a legal crackhouse.

  9. MJA, I would be happy if they’d just give me my sinus medication back without having to wait in line at the pharmacy, put all my info in, wait again while they go get it. I usually just do without anymore because I don’t like waiting and I don’t like them acting like I’m buying a narcotic just to get some darn sinus pills.

    We were told it would stop them making meth when they passed these ignorant laws, yet meth is still being made. I’ve always said anyone willing to shoot draino in their veins are going to keep using whatever they make, so they only punished the rest of us.

  10. And selling plastic shitty toys from “Chyna” with more plastic wrapping than the Fucking Toy the contained.

    The consequences:

    Walmart Open during pandemic and independent businesses & workers sent broke!

    Good Job Guvnah!

  11. Not only was Walmart doing a big opioid business, the resale market out in the parking lot was not too shabby as well.

    On another note:
    I cleaned out a house that one of the local tweakers was kicked out of.
    After tallying up all the opioid bottles scattered around, from four different prescriptions/doctors, I came to the conclusion that if he was consuming half the pills he was getting, and sold the rest, he was bringing in $1500-$2000 a month, all paid for by the good old taxpayer through Medicaid.

  12. Sued by .gov for filling “questionable” prescriptions ??

    The same .gov that sent 1.4 Billion dollars in stimulus checks to DEAD PEOPLE?

    The same .gov that can find no ELECTION FRAUD?


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