What is a One Horse Pony? – IOTW Report

What is a One Horse Pony?

This guy is a fucking idiot.

And he’s causing me to curse.

37 Comments on What is a One Horse Pony?

  1. If Biden does ascend to the presidency he won’t last 6 months – he’ll be removed and heels-up Harris will become president. During this time China will invade Taiwan, Iran will strike at Israel, Turkey will become the new Caliphate and move to take over Greece and the Middle East, and the democrats will begin rounding up Trump supporters for re-education (or at least they will try).

  2. Look up Vincent “The Chin” Gigante. He was a mob boss who shuffled around in a bathrobe and slippers, issuing incoherent statements, generally giving off the air of advancing decrepit senility. He was not what he seemed.

  3. I’ll play it straight and give an educated guess

    He managed in his rapidly deteriorating, word salad mind to combine the idea of “one trick pony” with “beating a dead horse” into yet another five alarm signal that he shouldnt even be allowed out of his basement

  4. “Mistur Soros say me da pressedent now. Wat me sey iz gud an itz a fackt. Dady Soros say I get a pony frum Santi Claws dis yer so be nise to mee or I will sick Cameltoe thee reel presodint on youse. Duckoter Jill, wear ar mi pills? Mi hed herts agane.

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